72 · SPEC Kit 299
Who Category of Challenge Description of Challenge
Faculty Disciplinary SC differences Perception—Overcoming traditional paradigms of scholarly publishing within
specific disciplines.
Faculty Education about author
Faculty unawareness of ability to modify a publisher license agreement without
penalty from publisher.
Faculty Education about author
Persuading faculty to retain their intellectual property in signing publishers’
Faculty Fear of damaging scholarly
Faculty fear that open access will harm scholarly societies and scholarly
Faculty Fear of damaging scholarly
Faculty may want more concrete answers than are available about economic
impact of moving their society publication to an open access model.
Faculty Fear of damaging scholarly
Faculty protectiveness of pet journals, status quo.
Faculty Fear of damaging scholarly
Getting faculty to be willing to step outside of the traditional scholarly
publishing arena. Faculty are especially protective of their associations, and
especially concerned of the impact any publishing decision will have on
promotion and tenure.
Faculty Keep momentum going Holding the gains once agreements for a new practice has been made.
Faculty Keep momentum going Keeping the topics listed above on the radar screens of administration as well
as faculty and researchers.
Faculty Misinformation about OA Faculty still view peer-reviewed journals as gold standard especially those with
high impact factors. Many do not understand that open access journals are
Faculty Misinformation about OA Overcoming misinformation about the issues, such as Open Access voiding the
ability to publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Faculty Perception that it’s a library
Difficulty in having faculty understand that SC issues are just as much their
responsibility as the library’s.
Faculty Perception that it’s a library
Faculty don’t see the problem as theirs.
Faculty Perception that it’s a library
Faculty perspective that problems associated with scholarly publishing is library
problem rather than a faculty issue.
Faculty Perception that it’s a library
Making them view SC as not just a “library problem.”
Faculty Perception that it’s a library
Some faculty view this as a library, rather than a faculty issue.
Faculty Populating IR Determining how much emphasis to place on/develop the local Institutional
Repository and populate it.
Faculty Populating IR Populating our very successful IR with post-print (it has many other types of
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