Scholarly Communication Education Initiatives · 71
Who Category of Challenge Description of Challenge
Faculty Busy Time constraints on faculty—they seldom even have departmental gatherings
where we might invite ourselves to speak!
Faculty Busy Faculty are very busy writing grants, conducting research, managing labs,
and teaching students. If they have an established pattern for where they
disseminate their research, it is difficult to get them to change their routine and
submit research to other places.
Faculty Complexity Many conversations are driven by concern over copyright issues, and the lack
of clarity about what is and is not permissible frustrates many who perceive the
university as being deliberately conservative or difficult.
Faculty Complexity Number of connected issues (e.g., society revenue sources, faculty
compensation and recognition/impact, open access controversies.)
Faculty Complexity Tremendous variety of SC issues exists tremendous number of constituents,
with many different circumstances. One size definitely cannot fit all at a large
research university.
Faculty Content with status quo Faculty members who are used to traditional publishing practices.
Faculty Content with status quo Most faculty are happy with things just the way they are.
Faculty Decentralized campus
The most effective meetings with faculty are ones that are interactive and
relatively small and that also are timed when the faculty have questions.
Faculty Developing a clear message Creating a common definition of the crisis in scholarly communication that is
comprehensible and meaningful across a broad array of staff, disciplines, and
stakeholders, sufficiently strong that it endures over time.
Faculty Developing a clear message Defining the issues in terms they understand.
Faculty Developing a clear message Developing an appropriate language/vocabulary for framing scholarly
communication issues -something that is more user-centered than library-
Faculty Developing a clear message Helping define issues in ways that are actionable by people, and that will spur
people into action. Many recognize the issues, but don’t know how to address,
or see any real benefits to them personally.
Faculty Developing a clear message It is very difficult to make the topic relevant to people’s own lives and
professional behavior. It is hard to make clear in a convincing manner why
the university community should care. Unless it’s tied to a specifically required
action (such as promotion and tenure) it is difficult to get their attention, much
less encourage participation in creating change.
Faculty Disciplinary SC differences Addressing the differences of SC issues within a variety of disciplines/
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