62 · SPEC Kit 299
Delivery method Audience Content Most Effective Activity
Marketing Faculty IR Campus-wide marketing of our institutional repository.
Marketing Faculty Open access
Open access journal publishing. This project hosting open access
journals has been successful and brought attention to the issues
of open access.
Marketing Faculty SC Scholarly Communications Council establishment.
Marketing All SC Promoting work done by SPARC and others—this is effective in
that it makes it clear that we, as librarians, are engaged in the
bigger picture and trying to leverage our professional expertise to
address problems faced by all of our peer institutions.
Newsletters All Journal crisis Article in University Week that had color graphs showing journal
costs, etc.
Newsletters All Library
Advertising library services through the electronic institutional
newsletter has been extremely effective.
Newsletters All SC Relevant articles in our Library Newsletter.
Newsletters Faculty Copyright Addressing issues in newsletter sent to campus. Since
our marketing staff member is doing these, they are very
professional. We attached the ACRL copyright brochure to the
recent newsletter to make sure all faculty got it.
Newsletters Health Science
SC We publish two scholarly communication newsletters that
highlight relevant and interesting developments. These are
targeted to faculty primarily one for health sciences campus, the
other for the rest of campus.
One-on-one Department
SC Meetings with individual department heads.
One-on-one Faculty Copyright Approached by one senior faculty member to describe the
options available to faculty with respect to copyright transfer or
licensing by authors. We co-wrote an article together which he
will use with his colleagues as a way of educating them about
the new possibilities and how to act more in their own or the
university’s interests.
One-on-one Faculty Copyright Consultations with faculty/instructors about course reserves and
copyright have given many opportunities to raise the visibility of
the issue.
One-on-one Faculty Copyright Individual consulting re. copyright and intellectual property
offered to faculty by the Copyright &Scholarly Communications
One-on-one Faculty IR Faculty office visits as part of needs assessment to develop IR.
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