Scholarly Communication Education Initiatives · 77
“Portions have been evaluated. Deposit and usage statistics for the IR show slow but steady growth. Graduate
students complete evaluation forms for the scholarly communications workshops.”
“Office of Scholarly Communication has done surveys of faculty across all the campuses on scholarly
communication issues in both 2004 and 2006.”
19. Please describe any demonstrable outcomes (such as statements from faculty governance
bodies, changes in promotion and tenure criteria, author’s switching to open access journals,
etc.) related to the library’s SC education activities. N=23
[N.B. Summary provided by the authors. If respondents provided more than one outcome in the
response box, they were parsed out as separate outcomes.]
Summary Outcomes
Administrative awareness The conference resulted in a Statement of Principles. Produced Executive Summary forwarded
to campus administration.
Administrative support for
Library directors were also successful in persuading the Executive Associate Provost to create
a fund to help subsidize faculty in paying any fees attached to publishing in open access
Administrative support for SC
There is a commitment from the Provost’s office to instigating and supporting education and
outreach on these issues.
Better pricing Journals “big deals” have better financial terms.
Conversations with university
We are now identifying university editors and board members of open access and scholarly
society journals, and actively engaging in dialogue and gathering information about these
journals. The editors and board members are genuinely pleased the library is taking an active
Copyright addendum support CIC author’s rights addendum has been endorsed by the provost and is waiting to be
endorsed by the faculty senate.
Copyright addendum support Faculty now consider changing the terms in publishing contracts.
Copyright addendum support Faculty want to use an author’s addendum.
Copyright addendum support High level support for the author’s addendum.
Copyright addendum support Faculty resolution passed to support retention of rights.
Copyright addendum support Senate Library Committee, the Faculty Consultative Committee, and the University Senate all
endorsed use of the CIC Author Addendum.
Copyright education support The Provost and Chancellor are committed to copyright education and support a 50% FTE.
Faculty awareness
Surveys show there is a bit more faculty awareness now than in the past but we need to
collect more information along these lines and conduct ongoing research in this area to
Interest in library’s OA journal
Open access journals “edited” by campus faculty.
“Portions have been evaluated. Deposit and usage statistics for the IR show slow but steady growth. Graduate
students complete evaluation forms for the scholarly communications workshops.”
“Office of Scholarly Communication has done surveys of faculty across all the campuses on scholarly
communication issues in both 2004 and 2006.”
19. Please describe any demonstrable outcomes (such as statements from faculty governance
bodies, changes in promotion and tenure criteria, author’s switching to open access journals,
etc.) related to the library’s SC education activities. N=23
[N.B. Summary provided by the authors. If respondents provided more than one outcome in the
response box, they were parsed out as separate outcomes.]
Summary Outcomes
Administrative awareness The conference resulted in a Statement of Principles. Produced Executive Summary forwarded
to campus administration.
Administrative support for
Library directors were also successful in persuading the Executive Associate Provost to create
a fund to help subsidize faculty in paying any fees attached to publishing in open access
Administrative support for SC
There is a commitment from the Provost’s office to instigating and supporting education and
outreach on these issues.
Better pricing Journals “big deals” have better financial terms.
Conversations with university
We are now identifying university editors and board members of open access and scholarly
society journals, and actively engaging in dialogue and gathering information about these
journals. The editors and board members are genuinely pleased the library is taking an active
Copyright addendum support CIC author’s rights addendum has been endorsed by the provost and is waiting to be
endorsed by the faculty senate.
Copyright addendum support Faculty now consider changing the terms in publishing contracts.
Copyright addendum support Faculty want to use an author’s addendum.
Copyright addendum support High level support for the author’s addendum.
Copyright addendum support Faculty resolution passed to support retention of rights.
Copyright addendum support Senate Library Committee, the Faculty Consultative Committee, and the University Senate all
endorsed use of the CIC Author Addendum.
Copyright education support The Provost and Chancellor are committed to copyright education and support a 50% FTE.
Faculty awareness
Surveys show there is a bit more faculty awareness now than in the past but we need to
collect more information along these lines and conduct ongoing research in this area to
Interest in library’s OA journal
Open access journals “edited” by campus faculty.