Scholarly Communication Education Initiatives · 59
Collaborative Activities
15. Please indicate whether any of the activities below have been undertaken or are being planned
by the library in collaboration with the faculty governance body (e.g., Faculty Senate) at your
institution to address scholarly communication issues. Check all that apply. N=47
Make presentation(s) to the body 29 62%
Report to the body 23 49%
Form a committee 10 21%
Initiate committee action 12 26%
Develop policy statements 19 40%
Propose resolutions 22 47%
Pass scholarly communication resolution 18 38%
Sponsor education programs 15 32%
Other (please specify) 8 17%
“Ongoing discussions in various fora.”
“Placed on agenda for discussion with Research Committee of the University Senate.”
“Report to faculty committee.”
“The Senate Academic Services Committee will work next year with the library of SC issues, the Senate has
also endorsed a draft resolution but it is not finalized yet.”
“To a certain extent, done via the Provost’s committees.”
“Western Libraries and Research Western organized a consultation session on Open Access to provide
feedback to SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) [of Canada].”
Collaborative Activities
15. Please indicate whether any of the activities below have been undertaken or are being planned
by the library in collaboration with the faculty governance body (e.g., Faculty Senate) at your
institution to address scholarly communication issues. Check all that apply. N=47
Make presentation(s) to the body 29 62%
Report to the body 23 49%
Form a committee 10 21%
Initiate committee action 12 26%
Develop policy statements 19 40%
Propose resolutions 22 47%
Pass scholarly communication resolution 18 38%
Sponsor education programs 15 32%
Other (please specify) 8 17%
“Ongoing discussions in various fora.”
“Placed on agenda for discussion with Research Committee of the University Senate.”
“Report to faculty committee.”
“The Senate Academic Services Committee will work next year with the library of SC issues, the Senate has
also endorsed a draft resolution but it is not finalized yet.”
“To a certain extent, done via the Provost’s committees.”
“Western Libraries and Research Western organized a consultation session on Open Access to provide
feedback to SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) [of Canada].”