64 · SPEC Kit 299
Delivery method Audience Content Most Effective Activity
Outside speakers Faculty SC Other speakers on topics such as copyright, faculty rights,
promotion and tenure, etc.
Outside speakers Faculty SC Outside speaker.
Outside speakers Faculty SC Series of faculty lectures with outside speakers.
Presentation All Open access Presentations on our institutional repository programme and our
open access journal publishing programme have focused on the
transformational impact of open access and the value of self-
Presentation Campus
that include
SC Presenting library initiatives to large formal committees and
groups has informed administrators about our projects enabling
them to direct relevant queries to the library.
Presentation Department
SC Attendance at faculty meetings. Presentations are brief (and it’s
hard to get on schedules) but it almost always turns up some
follow-up activity with interested faculty.
Presentation Departmental
faculty liaisons
SC University Library Committee meeting with teaching faculty
Library Liaisons.
Presentation Faculty SC Formal presentations by medical/health sciences staff.
Presentation Faculty SC Group presentations.
Presentation Faculty SC Group presentations.
Presentation Faculty Senate
Committee on
the Library
SC Two presentations to the Faculty Council on University Libraries
this spring.
Presentation Faculty Senate
Committee on
the Library
SC The Scholarly Communication Librarian and the Institutional
Repository Task Force have made presentations to the Faculty
Senate Library Committee.
Presentation Grad Students SC Presentations to graduate students in two courses: Survival Skills
for Grad Students and Responsible Conduct of Research.
Presentation Grad Students SC Formal presentations to graduate students as part of Responsible
Conduct of Research program.
Presentation Grad Students SC Formal presentations to graduate students as part of move
toward mandated electronic submission of theses and
Presentation Librarians IR Presentation on author archiving to librarians.
Presentation Librarians SC Presentations arising from the formation of our SC Committee
have raised awareness and spawned discussion within the library.
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