60 · SPEC Kit 299
Most Effective Activities
16. Please briefly describe up to three SC education activities that have been particularly effective
at your institution. N=45
[N.B. Categorization provided by the authors. If respondents included more than one activity in
a response, they were parsed out as separate activities.]
Delivery method Audience Content Most Effective Activity
Faculty SC Involvement of selected faculty in attendance at the UCLA
Institute last year and in the follow-up to that event held on the
campus in January.
Faculty senate Senate
resolution on
Educating additional library staff and forming a campus-wide
committee to pass a senate resolution. This committee will be
attending the Scholarly Communication Institute.
Brochure All IR copyright Two brochures have been created and sent to all faculty,
administrators, graduate students and professional staff. The first
was a brochure about the repository created in the spring of
2006. The second is a brochure about author rights and copyright
management, created in the spring of 2007.
Brochure All SC Brochures.
Brochure Legal Office Copyright Sent the ACRL copyright brochure to our Legal Office.
Campus-wide task
Campus task
force on the
SC Addressing the issues in a campus-wide task force formed by
the Provost to envision library needs for the year 2020. This has
raised the consciousness of at least a few campus leaders.
Copyright addenda Faculty Copyright Preparation of alternative terminology that can be given to
publishers enabling authors to retain copyright of their creative
Faculty IR Coordinator for Scholarly Communication meets with academic
units and departments for informal education and demo of
Digital Commons (institutional repository).
Faculty IR Departmental meetings discussing how colleagues in the same
discipline have been well served by eScholarship repository in
starting an open access journal.
E-mail Faculty SC Have a SC blog. Occasionally send notes out to faculty/library
faculty about news items AND post these to the blog. Usually
just post items to the blog. (Probably not very effective as few
academics use RSS, it seems.)
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