Scholarly Communication Education Initiatives · 53
Potential Audience: Librarians and Other Library Staff
13. Please tell us about SC education activities your library has undertaken since 2004 or plans to
undertake in 2007 that are intended for librarians and other library staff.
For which librarians and other library staff have SC education activities been intended? N=59
If SC education activities have been intended for librarians and other library staff from across the entire
institution, check “All librarians and other library staff.” If activities have been intended for only some librarians
and other library staff, check “Specific librarians or other library staff.” If activities have not been intended for
librarians and other library staff at all, check “Not targeted” and continue to the next page.
All librarians and other library staff 49 83%
Specific librarians or other library staff 7 12%
Not targeted 3 5%
If you checked “Specific librarians or other library staff,” please describe who these are. N=8
“Have given presentations about OA to all library faculty at library faculty meetings or seminars but
have also gone around the various subject-related subdivisions of librarians, and told them about THEIR
opportunities, when they publish their research. This was done to increase their comfort/knowledge of the
publishing opportunities so they might speak to their clients more comfortably about it. They have also heard
presentations about putting their own research into the IR.”
“Liaisons librarians, since they do user education and outreach activities routinely librarians with collection
development responsibilities. Staff who deal with eReserves and who help students with media projects.”
“Librarians in the Academic Programs division, most of whom are liaisons to assigned departments.”
“Staff meetings, library workshops for all librarians and library staff on scholarly communications issues, with
optional attendance. For ‘05 symposium, only invited librarians. So it varies.”
“Subject Coordinators, Subject Librarians, Staff in Collection Development and Technical Services, Library
Management Group.”
“Subject liaison/selector librarians.”
“Subject librarians and Library Administrative Cabinet members (Cabinet is made up of Associate Dean for
Reference &Instruction, Associate Dean for Research &Access, Associate Dean for Collections &Technical
Services, Information Technology Officer, Head of Business Services, Head of Human Resources, and the Dean
of the Library).”
“We are attempting to develop a slowly expanding program that targets bibliographers and public services
librarians who have dealings with faculty and graduate students—and who are equipped to relay the
Potential Audience: Librarians and Other Library Staff
13. Please tell us about SC education activities your library has undertaken since 2004 or plans to
undertake in 2007 that are intended for librarians and other library staff.
For which librarians and other library staff have SC education activities been intended? N=59
If SC education activities have been intended for librarians and other library staff from across the entire
institution, check “All librarians and other library staff.” If activities have been intended for only some librarians
and other library staff, check “Specific librarians or other library staff.” If activities have not been intended for
librarians and other library staff at all, check “Not targeted” and continue to the next page.
All librarians and other library staff 49 83%
Specific librarians or other library staff 7 12%
Not targeted 3 5%
If you checked “Specific librarians or other library staff,” please describe who these are. N=8
“Have given presentations about OA to all library faculty at library faculty meetings or seminars but
have also gone around the various subject-related subdivisions of librarians, and told them about THEIR
opportunities, when they publish their research. This was done to increase their comfort/knowledge of the
publishing opportunities so they might speak to their clients more comfortably about it. They have also heard
presentations about putting their own research into the IR.”
“Liaisons librarians, since they do user education and outreach activities routinely librarians with collection
development responsibilities. Staff who deal with eReserves and who help students with media projects.”
“Librarians in the Academic Programs division, most of whom are liaisons to assigned departments.”
“Staff meetings, library workshops for all librarians and library staff on scholarly communications issues, with
optional attendance. For ‘05 symposium, only invited librarians. So it varies.”
“Subject Coordinators, Subject Librarians, Staff in Collection Development and Technical Services, Library
Management Group.”
“Subject liaison/selector librarians.”
“Subject librarians and Library Administrative Cabinet members (Cabinet is made up of Associate Dean for
Reference &Instruction, Associate Dean for Research &Access, Associate Dean for Collections &Technical
Services, Information Technology Officer, Head of Business Services, Head of Human Resources, and the Dean
of the Library).”
“We are attempting to develop a slowly expanding program that targets bibliographers and public services
librarians who have dealings with faculty and graduate students—and who are equipped to relay the