12 · SPEC Kit 299
of their time and the majority devote less than 20%
of their time to SC education initiatives.
Library SC Task Force
Within the library, the SC educational effort is most
frequently lead by a group, committee, or task
force (35 responses or 54%). The number of task
force members ranges from very small (2 members)
to large (18 members) with an average size of sev-
en. The task force chairperson is most frequently
a librarian whose title suggests responsibilities in
science (9 of 37 responses), collections (7), or e-re-
sources (4). In over half of the task forces described,
the chair is a member of the library administra-
tion, including several cases where the University
Librarian chairs the group.
All of the task forces have librarians as mem-
bers but only a few have members from other
parts of the institution. Five task forces (14%) have
academic faculty as members, including one case
where the chair is a member of the science faculty.
Institutional administrators are members of four
task forces (11%) and students are members of only
When solicited for comments about the nature
of their SC task force, several respondents revealed
that the task force is, at best, just a couple of librar-
ians who are interested in SC or is a group that
gets together to plan the annual SC symposium
or seminar. Other task forces appear to be focused
on institutional repository or copyright concerns.
Another respondent commented, “This group
has a somewhat broader mandate than Scholarly
Communication as defined by ARL. For instance,
group members are expected to advise faculty to
publish in Elsevier journals when that is in the best
interest of the faculty member, the discipline, and
the University.”
Outside SC Task Force
Only a few institutions (11 or 17%) indicated that
their campuses have a SC task force that reports
outside the library that includes library staff.
About half of these groups are sponsored by and
report to the Faculty Senate. Several report directly
to the President or Chancellor. One reports to the
University Librarian.
These committees tend to be rather large (be-
tween 8 and 21 members with the exception of
one 872-member academic senate) and are usually
chaired by a member of the faculty. In all cases,
teaching faculty and at least one librarian are mem-
bers nearly half have student members, too. Three
include institution administrators. This is in stark
contrast to the library-run SC tasks forces which
seldom include members of the faculty or students.
From the comments it is apparent that in several in-
stances “scholarly communication issues” are not
the sole interest of these groups.
Scholarly Communication Education Activities
The survey asked respondents to indicate the SC
topics the library has addressed during their edu-
cation activities to the various categories of campus
affiliate—faculty, non-faculty researcher, admin-
istrators, graduate students, undergraduate stu-
dents, and librarians and other library staff—and
whether they had targeted the topic to particular
disciplines or to all regardless of discipline. [N.B.
“Faculty” refers to non-library faculty as distinct
from librarians with faculty status. The SC educa-
tion initiatives targeted to librarians, regardless of
whether they have faculty status, are covered in
the section “Librarians and Other Library Staff.”] It
also asked them to rank the modes of delivery they
had used on a scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most
Fifty-eight survey respondents indicated that facul-
ty are targeted for education about scholarly com-
munication issues. For the most part, the faculty
are treated as a whole—only five respondents (9%)
indicated they only made an effort to target a par-
ticular discipline—though 18 respondents targeted
specific disciplines depending on the topic. Not
of their time and the majority devote less than 20%
of their time to SC education initiatives.
Library SC Task Force
Within the library, the SC educational effort is most
frequently lead by a group, committee, or task
force (35 responses or 54%). The number of task
force members ranges from very small (2 members)
to large (18 members) with an average size of sev-
en. The task force chairperson is most frequently
a librarian whose title suggests responsibilities in
science (9 of 37 responses), collections (7), or e-re-
sources (4). In over half of the task forces described,
the chair is a member of the library administra-
tion, including several cases where the University
Librarian chairs the group.
All of the task forces have librarians as mem-
bers but only a few have members from other
parts of the institution. Five task forces (14%) have
academic faculty as members, including one case
where the chair is a member of the science faculty.
Institutional administrators are members of four
task forces (11%) and students are members of only
When solicited for comments about the nature
of their SC task force, several respondents revealed
that the task force is, at best, just a couple of librar-
ians who are interested in SC or is a group that
gets together to plan the annual SC symposium
or seminar. Other task forces appear to be focused
on institutional repository or copyright concerns.
Another respondent commented, “This group
has a somewhat broader mandate than Scholarly
Communication as defined by ARL. For instance,
group members are expected to advise faculty to
publish in Elsevier journals when that is in the best
interest of the faculty member, the discipline, and
the University.”
Outside SC Task Force
Only a few institutions (11 or 17%) indicated that
their campuses have a SC task force that reports
outside the library that includes library staff.
About half of these groups are sponsored by and
report to the Faculty Senate. Several report directly
to the President or Chancellor. One reports to the
University Librarian.
These committees tend to be rather large (be-
tween 8 and 21 members with the exception of
one 872-member academic senate) and are usually
chaired by a member of the faculty. In all cases,
teaching faculty and at least one librarian are mem-
bers nearly half have student members, too. Three
include institution administrators. This is in stark
contrast to the library-run SC tasks forces which
seldom include members of the faculty or students.
From the comments it is apparent that in several in-
stances “scholarly communication issues” are not
the sole interest of these groups.
Scholarly Communication Education Activities
The survey asked respondents to indicate the SC
topics the library has addressed during their edu-
cation activities to the various categories of campus
affiliate—faculty, non-faculty researcher, admin-
istrators, graduate students, undergraduate stu-
dents, and librarians and other library staff—and
whether they had targeted the topic to particular
disciplines or to all regardless of discipline. [N.B.
“Faculty” refers to non-library faculty as distinct
from librarians with faculty status. The SC educa-
tion initiatives targeted to librarians, regardless of
whether they have faculty status, are covered in
the section “Librarians and Other Library Staff.”] It
also asked them to rank the modes of delivery they
had used on a scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most
Fifty-eight survey respondents indicated that facul-
ty are targeted for education about scholarly com-
munication issues. For the most part, the faculty
are treated as a whole—only five respondents (9%)
indicated they only made an effort to target a par-
ticular discipline—though 18 respondents targeted
specific disciplines depending on the topic. Not