14 · SPEC Kit 299
Graduate Students
As the future faculty of tomorrow, graduate stu-
dents have been the focus of SC education initia-
tives by nearly half of the respondents (26 or 47%).
They are usually taught as a whole, without regard
to their discipline. The primary topics of discussion
include author rights management, the implication
for teaching of giving away copyright, the econom-
ics of scholarly publishing, and the benefits of open
access journals. Other popular topics include na-
tional public access developments, contributing to
digital repositories, author activism, and the future
of scholarly society publishing.
As with previous groups, the most effective
means of relaying these messages is one-on-one
conversations 82% rated this delivery option as
somewhat or most effective. Perhaps because
graduate student audiences are often available in
the classroom setting, informal and formal group
presentations also work well for this group. Other
methods used to reach graduate students include
training sessions for teaching assistants, graduate
school packets concerning electronic submission
of their theses, and a “Responsible Conduct of
Research” bioethics program. One library indicat-
ed that they planned to start a “Graduate Scholarly
Publishing advisement service next year.” Some
comments, though, indicate that libraries are not
focusing their efforts on this population so much
as welcoming them to campus-wide activities.
Undergraduate Students
Only seven survey respondents (13%) indicated
that they had scholarly communication activities
that were intended for undergraduate students.
Due to the small sample size, it is difficult to draw
many conclusions. However, it appears that one-
on-one conversations and both formal and infor-
mal group presentations work well for reaching
this group. The most popular topic to “Wow” them
with is a discussion of the economics of publishing,
though author rights management, the benefits of
open access journals, and the future of scholarly
publishing are also frequently discussed.
Librarians and Other Library Staff
Before librarians can effectively educate the rest
of the academic community about the issues of
scholarly communication, they must bring their
colleagues and staff on board. Educational activi-
ties for librarians and staff have been held at 95%
of the responding institutions. In some cases, ac-
tivities have been developed specifically for subject
liaisons or coordinators so they will feel more com-
fortable when they approach their faculty about SC
Unlike the results with other audiences, the
most effective means of reaching out to librarians
and library staff is formal presentations 67% of the
respondents rate this as somewhat or most effec-
tive. This may be because the culture and practice
within libraries tends to lean toward formal group
presentations to peers. It must be noted that one-
on-one conversations (64%) and informal group
discussions (56%) were also perceived as effective.
Again mimicking their efforts with faculty, li-
brarians are educating their peers about issues
having to do with contributing to IRs, author rights
management, the benefits of open access journals,
and the implications for teaching of giving away
copyright. Not surprisingly, another hot topic is the
economics of scholarly publishing. Since one of the
goals of educating librarians about SC issues is to
enable them to engage the faculty (and others) on
these issues, it is appropriate that the topics are the
same as those addressed to other audiences. One
institution whose librarians are members of the
research faculty talk to the library faculty “about
THEIR opportunities, when they publish their re-
search. This was done to increase their comfort/
knowledge of the publishing opportunities so
they might speak to their clients more comfortably
about it.”
Other Audience
Only nine respondents indicated that they had en-
gaged another type of audience in the SC conversa-
tion. Other audiences that were noted in the com-
ments include consortia to which the library belongs
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