72 ยท Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
The space within our SciTech library that is devoted to the math collection was renovated so is a nicer space and student
usage of the physical space has increased.
Theoretical materials and practical/applied materials were brought together in the areas of engineering and applied
science. Undergraduate students have a broader array of materials available to them in one location in the areas of
engineering and applied science.
Users feel comfortable browsing the stacks. We save on staff and student resources.
Users get article faster. User gets article directly delivered to email from their own unmediated request. Library staff
spend more time on more difficult ILL and/or circulation services.
32. Please describe up to three unexpected challenges or difficulties that arose as a result of this
service reconfiguration. N=13
Because the space within our SciTech library is a nicer space and student usage of the physical space has increased,
faculty do not see it as their private library any longer. It remains to be seen how this will evolve.
Copyright costs.
Need a bigger space (not really unexpected!) Initial demand for laptop checkout created maintenance issues.
Relocating collections. Boutique services do not transfer easily.
Significant addition of glass presents housekeeping challenge. Faculty and staff in the school and architecture library
decided to bar food and drinks in the new facility which has made some patrons unhappy.
Some initial resistance from librarians and staff. Cross training is very time consuming.
The influx of collections from PSRR did exacerbate the problem of collections storage in our main building, and did
precipitate a fairly major reorganization requiring weeding, shifting of stacks on two floors. But again, the net result
(more consolidated, less fragmented collections) is positive, from our perspective.
The more technical services offered, the more services are expected. Difficulty finding staff who have both the technical
and customer service skills/attributes. Libraries never seem to be able to keep up with demand for additional and
updated equipment/software.
The Tech Help Desk is in an awkward location, and questions are very low.
There are limitations to what work-study students can be expected to do in terms of hours, training. and responsibility.
There is less space available for collections, study space, and computers. It was complicated and difficult to assign new
library homes for some materials, especially given that space constraints exist in other libraries as well.
This reconfiguration was initially envisioned as part of a much broader unification of all special collections reader
services into a single consultation area and adjoining reading room. Concerns expressed by library users have led the
library to revise plans and instead perform additional study of student and faculty use patterns and seek broader input
in order to guide development of Wilson Library services.
The space within our SciTech library that is devoted to the math collection was renovated so is a nicer space and student
usage of the physical space has increased.
Theoretical materials and practical/applied materials were brought together in the areas of engineering and applied
science. Undergraduate students have a broader array of materials available to them in one location in the areas of
engineering and applied science.
Users feel comfortable browsing the stacks. We save on staff and student resources.
Users get article faster. User gets article directly delivered to email from their own unmediated request. Library staff
spend more time on more difficult ILL and/or circulation services.
32. Please describe up to three unexpected challenges or difficulties that arose as a result of this
service reconfiguration. N=13
Because the space within our SciTech library is a nicer space and student usage of the physical space has increased,
faculty do not see it as their private library any longer. It remains to be seen how this will evolve.
Copyright costs.
Need a bigger space (not really unexpected!) Initial demand for laptop checkout created maintenance issues.
Relocating collections. Boutique services do not transfer easily.
Significant addition of glass presents housekeeping challenge. Faculty and staff in the school and architecture library
decided to bar food and drinks in the new facility which has made some patrons unhappy.
Some initial resistance from librarians and staff. Cross training is very time consuming.
The influx of collections from PSRR did exacerbate the problem of collections storage in our main building, and did
precipitate a fairly major reorganization requiring weeding, shifting of stacks on two floors. But again, the net result
(more consolidated, less fragmented collections) is positive, from our perspective.
The more technical services offered, the more services are expected. Difficulty finding staff who have both the technical
and customer service skills/attributes. Libraries never seem to be able to keep up with demand for additional and
updated equipment/software.
The Tech Help Desk is in an awkward location, and questions are very low.
There are limitations to what work-study students can be expected to do in terms of hours, training. and responsibility.
There is less space available for collections, study space, and computers. It was complicated and difficult to assign new
library homes for some materials, especially given that space constraints exist in other libraries as well.
This reconfiguration was initially envisioned as part of a much broader unification of all special collections reader
services into a single consultation area and adjoining reading room. Concerns expressed by library users have led the
library to revise plans and instead perform additional study of student and faculty use patterns and seek broader input
in order to guide development of Wilson Library services.