26 ยท Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Examples of Service Delivery Reconfiguration
In this section of the survey we ask you to tell us about one or two examples of a new physical arrangement or
configuration of library service delivery that has occurred in the past three years in your main library or in any branch
that reports to the main library. First, briefly describe the change, then answer some questions about the details of the
change process. We are particularly interested in examples that you consider an innovative approach to service delivery
or that had a high impact on library resources (e.g., facilities, finances, staff).
Example 1: Description and Driving Factors
3. Please briefly describe one type of service delivery change that occurred (for example, a new
service point was established service points A and B were consolidated to form new service point
C branch X was closed and services are now delivered at point Y a new facility was opened with
service points A, B, and C). N=52
A branch library was closed and services delivered at another branch library.
A new 24/7 space with computers, group study rooms, and quiet study was collaboratively created in our main library.
A new service point was added combining a campus information service (KU Info), IT help, and Research/Reference
A new service point was added in a new university laboratory building service hours at the primary reference desk were
A new Tech Help Desk was established near the Reference Desk. Also, our Government Documents librarians were
cross-trained for service at the Main Reference Desk.
A service point next to a computer lab and staffed by student assistants was closed last year. The purpose of the service
point was to provide basic technology assistance for students (primarily) using the computer lab. The service point was
within 20 feet of the reference desk and any type of reference question was supposed to be referred to reference.
Added service point at new facility (downtown business campus).
Additional staff support was provided for services at the main reference service point in order to remove liaisons from
this desk. Liaisons are expected to spend more time being out on campus engaging with faculty and students with a
focus on the strategic initiatives of the organization. Responsibility for digital reference services (both chat and email)
was added to the four library service points (in various locations across campus). Our busiest service point has handled
a majority of these interactions. Digital reference was previously handled by individuals in their offices during assigned
shifts chat and email shifts were handled separately by different individuals.
An existing reference assistance point in the Education Branch Library was closed and replaced with on-call reference
Art+Architecture+Planning and Science/Engineering combined reference desks, two desks on two separate floors
into one combined service point on floor 3 of The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC), described in more detail in
question 18.
Audiovisual services point was closed and services are now delivered through Circulation.
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