50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Service Implementation
Business school funding grad student workers.
But only by virtue of counted numbers in decline.
Focus groups with faculty.
Focus groups, informal feedback from faculty.
Interviews, surveys.
Plans were adjusted based on faculty feedback.
The school helped with moving the collection and furniture, and managed/paid for construction.
Use of LibQUAL+® data helped to drive service desk changes as well as comments received via planning process.
User forums.
Users’ comments were analyzed and their priorities were acknowledged (LibQUAL+® survey).
Service Assessment
Assessment of services is part of user surveys.
Chat users have an opportunity to provide input via a brief survey after every transaction.
Collecting data on usage after implementation and anecdotal accounts from users surveys of use planned for this year.
Desk staff passed out comment cards to users post-implementation.
Discussions with students.
During a library service desk team building and training day, student assistants and other users were asked to role play
and provide feedback about the nature of service they desire in this type of arrangement. In addition, once the desk
project is complete in Fall 2011, users will be asked to provide feedback about the level of service and the physical space
(aesthetics, traffic, etc.)
Evaluations of library instruction and consultations the space is included in annual library user satisfaction survey.
Feedback from the Library Student Advisory Committee.
Focus groups.
In year one, no formal assessment, yet. It will involve faculty and students.
Interviews, surveys, analysis of transactions and other use of services.
Ongoing self-assessment, comments from the staff, favourable feedback from users.
Our new User Experience department runs regular ethnographic studies to learn about user needs and share these
needs with the rest of the organization for service design. We also now have a dedicated assessment librarian who will
share the data from various community feedback streams.
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