150 · Representative Documents: Planning and Progress
Texas A&M University
Recommendations of the Information Commons Task Force
students could not be relied upon to turn off projection equipment (such as in 204A). We
get periodic requests for space to conduct interviews.
Resource Requirements: The availability of this space is a result of the planned
relocation of the Digital Initiatives staff. The furniture and A/V equipment requirements
are outlined in the proposal. It should probably also include the ability to video record
the presentation/interview, for students to be able to review their performance and see
where they can improve their communication styles.
Study Booths (Annex): Create some additional non-room/small group (2-4 people)
study spaces through the use of restaurant style booths in the Annex corridors (along the
side that faces the garage).
Resource Requirements: Furniture in the Annex.
Texas A&M University
Recommendations of the Information Commons Task Force
students could not be relied upon to turn off projection equipment (such as in 204A). We
get periodic requests for space to conduct interviews.
Resource Requirements: The availability of this space is a result of the planned
relocation of the Digital Initiatives staff. The furniture and A/V equipment requirements
are outlined in the proposal. It should probably also include the ability to video record
the presentation/interview, for students to be able to review their performance and see
where they can improve their communication styles.
Study Booths (Annex): Create some additional non-room/small group (2-4 people)
study spaces through the use of restaurant style booths in the Annex corridors (along the
side that faces the garage).
Resource Requirements: Furniture in the Annex.