64 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Example 2: Financial and Staff Resources
22. If a change in library financial resources had a significant impact on the decision to reconfigure this
service, please briefly describe that change and the impact it had. If this did not have a significant
impact, please enter NA for Not Applicable. N=21
12 responded NA.
Budget reduction resulted in closure of Chemistry Library.
Due to financial exigencies we had to consolidate some services to be able to reassign valuable staff elsewhere.
Endowment fund was discontinued. The budget for staffing was decreased: from 15 staff to 12.
Need to maximize available resources is forcing library-wide examination of services and practices, including in special
Significant cuts to the library budget.
The Libraries sustained several rounds of budget cuts during this period—1.5% (mid-year recission), 12%, 5%, and
2.4%. We met the personnel budgets through elimination of vacant positions as much as possible, but did have to do
some layoffs as well. As a result we had to realign the distribution of resources, including staff, to areas of growth and
high demand.
The media library service point was being operated 80+ hours per week with one professional, one support staff, and
many student employees. Loss of support staff through attrition and budget reductions across the libraries facilitated
the need to consolidate student employment resources and staffing in fewer locations.
The same budget constraints mentioned in the previous example (i.e., desire to reduce the casual-hourly budget for
student employees and reallocate permanent staff) came into play here.
We needed to move the staff member who was responsible for staffing this desk to another role within the library we
also were limited on our student resources and determined that we could close this service point and save on resources.
23. How did this service reconfiguration impact permanent library staff? Check all that apply. N=19
Librarians Other
Existing staff moved to the new service point 5 3 7 9
Existing staff were reassigned within the library 2 2 6 7
Position(s) was reduced through attrition 4 — — 4
Staff were hired to fill newly created positions — 1 — 1
Hours of work were reduced — — — —
Other impact 3 1 7 9
Number of Respondents 8 5 16 19
Example 2: Financial and Staff Resources
22. If a change in library financial resources had a significant impact on the decision to reconfigure this
service, please briefly describe that change and the impact it had. If this did not have a significant
impact, please enter NA for Not Applicable. N=21
12 responded NA.
Budget reduction resulted in closure of Chemistry Library.
Due to financial exigencies we had to consolidate some services to be able to reassign valuable staff elsewhere.
Endowment fund was discontinued. The budget for staffing was decreased: from 15 staff to 12.
Need to maximize available resources is forcing library-wide examination of services and practices, including in special
Significant cuts to the library budget.
The Libraries sustained several rounds of budget cuts during this period—1.5% (mid-year recission), 12%, 5%, and
2.4%. We met the personnel budgets through elimination of vacant positions as much as possible, but did have to do
some layoffs as well. As a result we had to realign the distribution of resources, including staff, to areas of growth and
high demand.
The media library service point was being operated 80+ hours per week with one professional, one support staff, and
many student employees. Loss of support staff through attrition and budget reductions across the libraries facilitated
the need to consolidate student employment resources and staffing in fewer locations.
The same budget constraints mentioned in the previous example (i.e., desire to reduce the casual-hourly budget for
student employees and reallocate permanent staff) came into play here.
We needed to move the staff member who was responsible for staffing this desk to another role within the library we
also were limited on our student resources and determined that we could close this service point and save on resources.
23. How did this service reconfiguration impact permanent library staff? Check all that apply. N=19
Librarians Other
Existing staff moved to the new service point 5 3 7 9
Existing staff were reassigned within the library 2 2 6 7
Position(s) was reduced through attrition 4 — — 4
Staff were hired to fill newly created positions — 1 — 1
Hours of work were reduced — — — —
Other impact 3 1 7 9
Number of Respondents 8 5 16 19