40 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
9. Please briefly describe the resulting impact on staff, including number of staff affected, how
assignments changed, whether reporting relationships changed, etc. N=42
2.5 FTE support staff positions were assigned new responsibilities within the same department, Access and Delivery
Although reporting relationships will not change, combining services impacts almost all members of the circulation,
reference, and special formats (maps, microfiche) departments. There is increased awareness about how the “other
side” operates, and cross training across both circulation and reference processes.
As librarians were moved off of the desk, the overnight desk staff (classified staff members), who had previously
reported to the Team Leader for Undergraduate Services (which was otherwise comprised of librarians) were moved to
the Access &Information Services Team. This team now staffs all of our public service desks, ILL searching/Document
Assignments didn’t change much, but there was some adjustment to reporting.
At the busiest service point, librarians were removed from the desk (as indicated by the hours of work reduced above
this does not mean layoffs, just a change in where effort was expended). Two half-time Library Assistant III positions
were created for additional support for this desk. Digital reference services are now covered by staff at this desk (and
others in the library), in addition to previous in-person and phone reference services provided here.
Closed branches: 3.25 Natural Sciences Librarians joined the Reference and Research Services Division, reporting
to the Head, RRS. One assumed additional duties as Data Services Coordinator. Classified were transferred to other
units/duties where there were critical vacancies (1.0), or increased needs (2.0). Each reported to a new supervisor in a
different division of the Libraries.
Current business librarian now spends one day/week at new site. Hired 3/4 business librarian to cover additional days.
Grad students hired for support.
During this past winter, staff were stretched to staff the old Circulation Desk in the old building as well as the Integrated
Service Desk in the new building. We also needed to manage closed stack access so students were hired to retrieve
materials. Staff began to understand the need to change workflows to accommodate the increased reliance on self-
serve, holds, retrievals, and cross training. The new workflows have been described and units realigned. Reporting
relationships are in the process of changing as we have just created new job profiles and are posting the ongoing staff
changes for the fall when we are closing the old service points. This change affected 29 staff members plus student
Freed up librarians to have more time to work in their offices. No changes to reporting lines, staff numbers, etc.
ILS staff still reporting to Head of ILS services and now focus solely on processing of requests and take referrals from
new service desk when needed. Circulation and Reference units were combined and reconfigured to form Public and
Research Services. Staff were assigned roles and divided into two highly collaborative teams based on expertise and
strengths. The On-Stage team (17 staff) works the front line service desk and the Backstage team (7 staff) focuses on all
the required back-end patron processing of books, equipment, library accounts, and fines.
Librarians and staff spend fewer hours at the new Research Desk because there are more people sharing the workload.
Librarians had more free time for the extra assignments they have been given due to a hiring freeze.
Librarians no longer serve on the desk. Now serve in consultation role. Staff serve on frontline.
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