SPEC Kit 327: Reconfiguring Service Delivery · 29
The Reference Desk on the first floor of the main library, Mugar Memorial Library, was moved and reconfigured during a
remodel incorporating an information commons approach, and was renamed Research Center.
Three separate branch locations were consolidated into one physical location. Math, Chemistry/Physics, and Maps/
Geology were consolidated into the Science Library.
Three service points in our library were consolidated into one.
Two subject libraries located on adjacent floors of the main library building offer shared staffing during selected early
morning, weekend, and late evening hours. Staff are shared between the two libraries and conduct roving reference to
the other floor. Signs direct patrons to the correct floor for in-person assistance.
“Virtualization” of health sciences library collections in Alden (main library) and consolidation of services to medical
college at the OU-COM Learning Resource Center.
We closed the government documents services desk and consolidated services with the main reference desk/
We closed the separate Information Desk at the front of the library and moved the Learning Commons existing desk
near to the entrance.
We consolidated our Natural Sciences services and collections into the Main library and reconfigured the space and
services as a Research Commons. The space is technology rich, enables collaboration and group work, and is much
more heavily used than its predecessor. We also consolidated one branch library and two service points into one
interdisciplinary service desk (Micro-Newspapers, Gov Pubs, Maps). Gives much better visibility and longer hours
to Maps which had been in an out of the way location and provides great opportunities for cross training and staff
awareness of resources and services, which in turn provides better service to users.
We are in the process of consolidating three separate service points into a single service point. Government Documents
and Microfiche, Circulation, and Reference are all separate physical service points in the library, however, beginning this
fall these service points will be consolidated into a single “library service desk.”
With the move of our Information Commons into the new Taylor Family Digital Library, we have integrated two service
points (Circulation, Reserve Services and Document Delivery pickups) and the Information Commons Service Desk
(Reference and Technology Assistance) into an Integrated Service Desk.
Woodruff Library consolidated three service points into one: Circulation, Reference, and Learning Commons support, as
well as closing another Learning Commons support service point.
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