66 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Librarian hours at the Reference Desk were reduced enabling them to spend more time in subject librarian outreach.
Cooperation and collaboration between Reference and Access staff was greatly increased.
Librarian now reports through the Research Support Team to Libraries and Cultural Resources. 5.5 FTE added to staff.
Positive addition to cross-functional teams in reference and instruction.
One librarian retired, a support staff member left. All other staff were reassigned to other remaining services outside the
Our librarians had provided all services to the Math Department and this has not changed. Since the two dedicated staff
that worked in the Math Department Library retired, there was the need to assess and redesign workflows and patterns
so that the other staff members could provide an acceptable service level.
Reporting relationship: student representatives report to both the Student Development Coordinator (Other Professional
above) and the Chapman Learning Commons Librarian.
Reporting relationships changed for one support staff. Two professional staff moved to two other departments. Student
budget was reduced.
Staff learned a new system (monitoring) and developed perhaps better sense of user requests.
The Head of the Engineering Library retired during the planning of the consolidation and the Head of the College of
Applied Science Library was named the head of the newly combined library of the College of Engineering and Applied
Science. One professional position was not replaced. Needs were identified in other areas of the library system and two
staff positions were reassigned. One full-time staff position from the College of Applied Science Library moved to the
“new” combined library along with the librarian.
Three FTE librarians were reassigned to the main Reference and Research Services Division and report to the head. One
FTE Social Work Librarian was assigned to the main Health Sciences Library (reporting stayed in HSL) but retains an
office in the School of SW. Four FTE staff in closed branches were laid off according to the terms of the union contract.
Three staff directly affected: one professional and two support staff. Professional and one support staff changed
reporting relationship. Professional moved responsibilities from managing service desk in media library to participating
in circulation services and managing stacks.
While most duties for providing technical support to users stayed the same, the reporting relationships changed.
Additionally, more students were hired to work in this new service area.
Example 2: New Technology
New/emerging technology has the potential to enhance library services. QR Codes, GIS applications, Skype, student
course-centered software such as Blackboard, collaborative sites such as SharePoint, Basecamp, or Google Sites/
Documents, and cloud-based computing solutions such as Amazon EC
are just a few examples with library
Librarian hours at the Reference Desk were reduced enabling them to spend more time in subject librarian outreach.
Cooperation and collaboration between Reference and Access staff was greatly increased.
Librarian now reports through the Research Support Team to Libraries and Cultural Resources. 5.5 FTE added to staff.
Positive addition to cross-functional teams in reference and instruction.
One librarian retired, a support staff member left. All other staff were reassigned to other remaining services outside the
Our librarians had provided all services to the Math Department and this has not changed. Since the two dedicated staff
that worked in the Math Department Library retired, there was the need to assess and redesign workflows and patterns
so that the other staff members could provide an acceptable service level.
Reporting relationship: student representatives report to both the Student Development Coordinator (Other Professional
above) and the Chapman Learning Commons Librarian.
Reporting relationships changed for one support staff. Two professional staff moved to two other departments. Student
budget was reduced.
Staff learned a new system (monitoring) and developed perhaps better sense of user requests.
The Head of the Engineering Library retired during the planning of the consolidation and the Head of the College of
Applied Science Library was named the head of the newly combined library of the College of Engineering and Applied
Science. One professional position was not replaced. Needs were identified in other areas of the library system and two
staff positions were reassigned. One full-time staff position from the College of Applied Science Library moved to the
“new” combined library along with the librarian.
Three FTE librarians were reassigned to the main Reference and Research Services Division and report to the head. One
FTE Social Work Librarian was assigned to the main Health Sciences Library (reporting stayed in HSL) but retains an
office in the School of SW. Four FTE staff in closed branches were laid off according to the terms of the union contract.
Three staff directly affected: one professional and two support staff. Professional and one support staff changed
reporting relationship. Professional moved responsibilities from managing service desk in media library to participating
in circulation services and managing stacks.
While most duties for providing technical support to users stayed the same, the reporting relationships changed.
Additionally, more students were hired to work in this new service area.
Example 2: New Technology
New/emerging technology has the potential to enhance library services. QR Codes, GIS applications, Skype, student
course-centered software such as Blackboard, collaborative sites such as SharePoint, Basecamp, or Google Sites/
Documents, and cloud-based computing solutions such as Amazon EC
are just a few examples with library