206 · Selected Resources: Books and Journal Articles
Fox, Kara, Laura M. Horne, Tim King, Sara Seely, and Kathleen Walsh. “The Librarian as Bridge-Builder.”
Public Services Quarterly 4, no. 2 (2008): 177–85.
Frances, Maude, Janet Fletcher, and Sue Harmer. “Reshaping and Rescoping University Libraries to Fit
Changing Academic Requirements.” IATUL Proceedings (2011): 1–6.
Franklin, Brinley. “Aligning Library Strategy and Structure with the Campus Academic Plan: A Case Study.”
Journal of Library Administration 49, no. 5 (2009): 495–505.
Franks, Jeffrey A., and Michael P. Tosko. “Reference Librarians Speak for Users: A Learning Commons
Concept That Meets the Needs of a Diverse Student Body.” Reference Librarian 47, no. 1 (2007).
Freeman, Geoffrey T. Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space. Washington, DC: Council on Library
and Information Resources, 2005.
Fritts, Jack E. Mistakes in Academic Library Management: Grievous Errors and How to Avoid Them. Lanham, MD:
Scarecrow Press, 2009.
The Future of Libraries. Disappearing Libraries and Invisible Librarians: The Impact of the Print to Digital
Transformation on Library Structure, Services and Functions over the Next 10 Years. La Crescenta, CA:
Content Management Corp., 2004.
Gardner, Susan, and Susanna Eng. “What Students Want: Generation Y and the Changing Function of the
Academic Library.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 5, no. 3 (2005): 405–20.
Gayton, J. T. “Academic Libraries: ‘‘Social’’ or ‘‘Communal?’’ The Nature and Future of Academic Libraries.”
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 34, no. 1 (2008): 60–66.
Gibson, Craig, and C. Lockaby Dorothy. “The Johnson Center Library at George Mason University.” Reference
Services Review 35, no. 2 (2007): 322–30.
Giesecke, Joan. “Finding the Right Metaphor: Restructuring, Realigning, and Repackaging Today’s Research
Libraries.” Journal of Library Administration 51, no. 1 (2011): 54–65.
Gohlke, Mary Jo, and Kathlin Ray. “Impacts of an Information Commons on an Academic Library’s Service
Points.” Journal of Access Services 1, no. 3 (2003): 57–71.
Gordon, Rachel Singer. Information Tomorrow: Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public and Academic
Libraries. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2007.
Gregory, Gwen Meyer. The Successful Academic Librarian: Winning Strategies from Library Leaders. Medford, NJ:
Information Today, Inc., 2005.
Guthrie, Kevin, and Ross Housewright. “Repackaging the Library: What Do Faculty Think?” Journal of
Library Administration 51, no. 1 (2011): 77–104.
Hall, Susan, Lona Hoover, and Robert Wolverton Jr. “Publishing Electronic Theses and Dissertations:
Reconfiguring Library Services.” Technical Services Quarterly 21, no. 2 (2003): 63–70.
Handler, L., M. Lackey, and K. T. L. Vaughan. ““Hidden Treasures”: Librarian Office Hours for Three Health
Sciences Schools.” Medical Reference Services Quarterly 28, no. 4 (2009): 336–50.
Fox, Kara, Laura M. Horne, Tim King, Sara Seely, and Kathleen Walsh. “The Librarian as Bridge-Builder.”
Public Services Quarterly 4, no. 2 (2008): 177–85.
Frances, Maude, Janet Fletcher, and Sue Harmer. “Reshaping and Rescoping University Libraries to Fit
Changing Academic Requirements.” IATUL Proceedings (2011): 1–6.
Franklin, Brinley. “Aligning Library Strategy and Structure with the Campus Academic Plan: A Case Study.”
Journal of Library Administration 49, no. 5 (2009): 495–505.
Franks, Jeffrey A., and Michael P. Tosko. “Reference Librarians Speak for Users: A Learning Commons
Concept That Meets the Needs of a Diverse Student Body.” Reference Librarian 47, no. 1 (2007).
Freeman, Geoffrey T. Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space. Washington, DC: Council on Library
and Information Resources, 2005.
Fritts, Jack E. Mistakes in Academic Library Management: Grievous Errors and How to Avoid Them. Lanham, MD:
Scarecrow Press, 2009.
The Future of Libraries. Disappearing Libraries and Invisible Librarians: The Impact of the Print to Digital
Transformation on Library Structure, Services and Functions over the Next 10 Years. La Crescenta, CA:
Content Management Corp., 2004.
Gardner, Susan, and Susanna Eng. “What Students Want: Generation Y and the Changing Function of the
Academic Library.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 5, no. 3 (2005): 405–20.
Gayton, J. T. “Academic Libraries: ‘‘Social’’ or ‘‘Communal?’’ The Nature and Future of Academic Libraries.”
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 34, no. 1 (2008): 60–66.
Gibson, Craig, and C. Lockaby Dorothy. “The Johnson Center Library at George Mason University.” Reference
Services Review 35, no. 2 (2007): 322–30.
Giesecke, Joan. “Finding the Right Metaphor: Restructuring, Realigning, and Repackaging Today’s Research
Libraries.” Journal of Library Administration 51, no. 1 (2011): 54–65.
Gohlke, Mary Jo, and Kathlin Ray. “Impacts of an Information Commons on an Academic Library’s Service
Points.” Journal of Access Services 1, no. 3 (2003): 57–71.
Gordon, Rachel Singer. Information Tomorrow: Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public and Academic
Libraries. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2007.
Gregory, Gwen Meyer. The Successful Academic Librarian: Winning Strategies from Library Leaders. Medford, NJ:
Information Today, Inc., 2005.
Guthrie, Kevin, and Ross Housewright. “Repackaging the Library: What Do Faculty Think?” Journal of
Library Administration 51, no. 1 (2011): 77–104.
Hall, Susan, Lona Hoover, and Robert Wolverton Jr. “Publishing Electronic Theses and Dissertations:
Reconfiguring Library Services.” Technical Services Quarterly 21, no. 2 (2003): 63–70.
Handler, L., M. Lackey, and K. T. L. Vaughan. ““Hidden Treasures”: Librarian Office Hours for Three Health
Sciences Schools.” Medical Reference Services Quarterly 28, no. 4 (2009): 336–50.