External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 95
University of Oregon
4. Formal Letter Requesting Review Letter
Promotion Letter for ___________
Dear ___________:
______________,________Librarian, ________Library, is being considered for
promotion from Associate Professor to Professor. Such promotions are made
only after consulting specialists in the appropriate disciplines, both at the
University of Oregon and elsewhere.
Ms. _____has suggested that you could provide a useful evaluation of her
professional achievements and reputation. I shall be grateful if you will write a
letter to me, stating your opinion of her scholarship, research accomplishments,
publications, and general status within the profession. I have enclosed materials
to assist you in this process.
Although Oregon law permits full access of a faculty member to his or her
personnel files, Ms. ______has voluntarily waived in advance her legal right of
access to the promotion dossier in expectation that this waiver will enable
referees to prepare thorough and candid letters. Since this waiver has been
reviewed for its legality, I can assure you that your letter will not be seen by the
candidate. Your reply to this letter by November 15, 2005 would be most
appreciated in order to comply with the timelines set by the Office of Academic
Thank you for your assistance in this important process.
University Librarian
Personnel Officer's attached note to referee (above):
I have attached documents that have been submitted regarding Ms.
__________'s promotion review. If you would prefer to have me send these in
the regular mail, I will be happy to do so. We were just hoping to make the
process a bit easier and quicker this way.
You may review the University of Oregon Library Faculty's promotion criteria
here: http://libweb.uoregon.edu/admnpers/promocriteria.html.
Ms. ________'s letter explains that we hope to receive your letter by Nov. 15, if
at all possible. Please do let me know if you have any questions or experience
technical problems.
Thank you so much for agreeing to participate in this important process!
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