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07/31/2006 10:31 AM ASU Libraries: Librarians' Handbook: Letters of Reference
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Librarians' Council
G.2.4: Letters of Reference
Effective 8/18/2000
In total, letters of reference should present a well-rounded representation of the academic professional's career.
Referees should be chosen carefully as these individuals will be expected to display the academic professional
and his/her activities and achievements in the most advantageous light. Letters that are less strong, "damn with
faint praise" or never arrive, may weaken the academic professional's packet rather than promote it. When
selecting references, consider the following guidelines.
1. Contact the referee beforehand to confirm that he/she is willing to write a letter of reference and that
he/she will be available during the critical period.
2. The primary evaluator and the academic professional should confer in developing their lists. While some
names may appear on both lists, avoid complete duplication. The lists should provide the Dean with a
substantial number of choices.
3. References may come from 3 areas: internal to the Libraries, within the ASU community and external to
ASU. As the academic professional's career progresses, the expectation would be to have more
references from the ASU community and from outside the University.
4. It is not expected that each referee will be able to address all areas of performance however, each
referee should be able to support one or more areas of the academic professional's job performance,
professional development and/or service activities. Referees should be selected so that most of the
academic professional's significant activities or achievements are addressed.
Letters of Reference Roster
Return to Librarians' Handbook main page
Page Compiled by: Librarians' Council
September 13, 2000
URL: http://www.asu.edu/lib/library/lc/handbook/G2_4.html
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Arizona State University
07/31/2006 10:31 AM ASU Libraries: Librarians' Handbook: Letters of Reference
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Librarians' Council
G.2.4: Letters of Reference
Effective 8/18/2000
In total, letters of reference should present a well-rounded representation of the academic professional's career.
Referees should be chosen carefully as these individuals will be expected to display the academic professional
and his/her activities and achievements in the most advantageous light. Letters that are less strong, "damn with
faint praise" or never arrive, may weaken the academic professional's packet rather than promote it. When
selecting references, consider the following guidelines.
1. Contact the referee beforehand to confirm that he/she is willing to write a letter of reference and that
he/she will be available during the critical period.
2. The primary evaluator and the academic professional should confer in developing their lists. While some
names may appear on both lists, avoid complete duplication. The lists should provide the Dean with a
substantial number of choices.
3. References may come from 3 areas: internal to the Libraries, within the ASU community and external to
ASU. As the academic professional's career progresses, the expectation would be to have more
references from the ASU community and from outside the University.
4. It is not expected that each referee will be able to address all areas of performance however, each
referee should be able to support one or more areas of the academic professional's job performance,
professional development and/or service activities. Referees should be selected so that most of the
academic professional's significant activities or achievements are addressed.
Letters of Reference Roster
Return to Librarians' Handbook main page
Page Compiled by: Librarians' Council
September 13, 2000
URL: http://www.asu.edu/lib/library/lc/handbook/G2_4.html
ASU Libraries: Architecture |Hayden |Law |Music |Polytechnic |Science |West
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