External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 41
Arizona State University
07/31/2006 10:32 AM DIRECTIONS FOR 2005-2006 PERSONNEL ACTIONS
Page 2 of 2 http://www.asu.edu/provost/personnel/actions/directions.html
i.e., a table of contents, an updated vita, a statement from the candidate
putting past and future work into perspective, and samples of four
articles/books, portfolios, or equivalent data. We recommend that
departments send relevant information about the department if special
circumstances surrounding the department context might be helpful to
external reviewers in making judgments about the cases, e. g., relative
productivity in departments where teaching/service demands may be
higher or lower than average.
5. A copy of the curriculum vitae of each reviewer should be included (if
6. You should include a statement that the recommendations are confidential
and will be seen only by appropriate administrators and reviewing
committees. If your reviewing committee is made up of a large group, e.g.,
all faculty at rank and above, then explain the situation so that the writer
will not be surprised at how many people read the evaluation. This also
means that internal recommendation letters should not identify the
reviewers in any way (either by name, by description, by university
affiliation, etc.).
7. Send a “thank you for reviewing” letter to those who take the time to
make a review. [See attached sample letter #3.]
Point #6 is extremely important. Current ACD policy allows faculty members or
academic professionals to review their personnel file, with the exception of
confidential references and external letters of evaluation. It is essential, therefore,
that tenure/continuing status and promotion recommendations from personnel
committees and others not include names, universities, or place of professional
employment, nor descriptively identify the external reviewers in the letters of
recommendation or reports.
Please ensure that names of external reviewers are listed ONLY on the grid
Please also provide additional narrative on the grid (Reason for
Invitation/Professional Qualifications/Relationship to Candidate) as needed to
contextualize the reviews. That is, for each evaluator, please describe the
reviewer’s qualifications, stature in the field, and area of expertise provide
enough detail so that reviewers outside of the discipline can make a fair
determination about the weight to accord each review. All external reviewers
should be listed on the grid even if they decline to review or do not respond with
a review.
For further information about tenure/continuing status and promotion processes,
refer to the 506 or 507 sections of the online ACD Manual, or contact Cecilia Hook
if you have questions.
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Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University
Location: Foundation Building, Suite 420, 300 E. University Drive [Map]
Mail: PO Box 877805, Tempe, AZ 85287-7805
Phone: (480) 965-4995 Fax: (480) 965-0785
Arizona State University
07/31/2006 10:32 AM DIRECTIONS FOR 2005-2006 PERSONNEL ACTIONS
Page 2 of 2 http://www.asu.edu/provost/personnel/actions/directions.html
i.e., a table of contents, an updated vita, a statement from the candidate
putting past and future work into perspective, and samples of four
articles/books, portfolios, or equivalent data. We recommend that
departments send relevant information about the department if special
circumstances surrounding the department context might be helpful to
external reviewers in making judgments about the cases, e. g., relative
productivity in departments where teaching/service demands may be
higher or lower than average.
5. A copy of the curriculum vitae of each reviewer should be included (if
6. You should include a statement that the recommendations are confidential
and will be seen only by appropriate administrators and reviewing
committees. If your reviewing committee is made up of a large group, e.g.,
all faculty at rank and above, then explain the situation so that the writer
will not be surprised at how many people read the evaluation. This also
means that internal recommendation letters should not identify the
reviewers in any way (either by name, by description, by university
affiliation, etc.).
7. Send a “thank you for reviewing” letter to those who take the time to
make a review. [See attached sample letter #3.]
Point #6 is extremely important. Current ACD policy allows faculty members or
academic professionals to review their personnel file, with the exception of
confidential references and external letters of evaluation. It is essential, therefore,
that tenure/continuing status and promotion recommendations from personnel
committees and others not include names, universities, or place of professional
employment, nor descriptively identify the external reviewers in the letters of
recommendation or reports.
Please ensure that names of external reviewers are listed ONLY on the grid
Please also provide additional narrative on the grid (Reason for
Invitation/Professional Qualifications/Relationship to Candidate) as needed to
contextualize the reviews. That is, for each evaluator, please describe the
reviewer’s qualifications, stature in the field, and area of expertise provide
enough detail so that reviewers outside of the discipline can make a fair
determination about the weight to accord each review. All external reviewers
should be listed on the grid even if they decline to review or do not respond with
a review.
For further information about tenure/continuing status and promotion processes,
refer to the 506 or 507 sections of the online ACD Manual, or contact Cecilia Hook
if you have questions.
Search |Copyright |Accessibility |Privacy |Administration |Contact ASU
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University
Location: Foundation Building, Suite 420, 300 E. University Drive [Map]
Mail: PO Box 877805, Tempe, AZ 85287-7805
Phone: (480) 965-4995 Fax: (480) 965-0785