External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 75
Rutgers University
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submit to the University Librarian, shall consult the candidate about appropriate experts in his/her
field of study, but the selection of external referees must be made by the unit director and
University Librarian. After consultation with the candidate and University Librarian, the unit
director shall send a preliminary solicitation letter (Appendix G) to individuals he/she has selected
to serve as external referees. The preliminary solicitation letter may be sent via e-mail. The text of
the preliminary solicitation letter shall not be modified and use of the preliminary solicitation letter
is required. The preliminary solicitation letter and the responses thereto do not become part of the
promotion packet. It is the unit director’s responsibility to keep a copy of the preliminary
solicitation letter or e-mails, a list of recipients of the preliminary solicitation letter, dates sent, and
responses, confidentially, in the unit until evaluations, grievances, remands, etc. are completed.
Under no circumstances shall the candidate contact experts whose names he/she has submitted for
consideration, or engage in any substantive discussion about his/her promotion case with any
individual whom he/she knows to be serving as an external referee. The presumption is that a unit
director and the University Librarian will reach a consensus as to an appropriate list of referees.
However, in the event of a disagreement, a unit director is neither obliged to solicit, nor prohibited
from soliciting, any particular referee. Similarly, in conducting his/her evaluation of the candidacy
as set forth in Section M below, the University Librarian, at his/her discretion, may solicit letters
from additional external referees. Such additional letters shall be submitted to evaluative bodies in
accord with the procedures set forth in Section H, in which case all letters received after December
1, and until the addition of the University Librarian's letters, shall be submitted.
Sample letters of solicitation are attached in Appendices G-1, G-2 and G-IIL. Letters of
solicitation for confidential outside letters of recommendation shall be consistent with the
promotion criteria applicable to the candidate. A unit, with the prior approval of the University
Librarian and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, may modify the text of the
sample letter of solicitation.
No reference which might identify the writers of the confidential letters shall be made in any
portions of the promotion materials. Letters will be numbered and may be referred to by their
respective number in the narrative statements. Letters of solicitation shall be sent to external
referees early enough to permit the referee to complete an appropriately analytical and informative
review of the candidate's credentials and to permit reviewing bodies adequate time to consider
evaluators' responses.
The original external confidential letters of evaluation, together with a brief explanation of
the suitability and professional standing of the referee and the relationship of the referee to the
candidate (Form 3-a) and one copy only of the sample letter of solicitation (attached to Form 3),
must accompany the original promotion packet forwarded to the University Librarian.3 Do not
include the vitae of referees. All letters received must be submitted for review to all levels of
evaluation, except that letters which are received after the December 1 deadline for submission to
the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs will not be considered unless the University
Librarian has requested them as additional letters during his/her consideration of the packet.
External confidential letters solicited in a previous year may be used again and included
under Form 3. However, selectivity of such letters is not permitted even if the candidacy is later
withdrawn pursuant to Section R. therefore, either all or none of the letters solicited in a previous
3 When a referee relies on a telefaxed letter or an electronic transmission, these may be
considered originals in the absence of the original.
Rutgers University
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submit to the University Librarian, shall consult the candidate about appropriate experts in his/her
field of study, but the selection of external referees must be made by the unit director and
University Librarian. After consultation with the candidate and University Librarian, the unit
director shall send a preliminary solicitation letter (Appendix G) to individuals he/she has selected
to serve as external referees. The preliminary solicitation letter may be sent via e-mail. The text of
the preliminary solicitation letter shall not be modified and use of the preliminary solicitation letter
is required. The preliminary solicitation letter and the responses thereto do not become part of the
promotion packet. It is the unit director’s responsibility to keep a copy of the preliminary
solicitation letter or e-mails, a list of recipients of the preliminary solicitation letter, dates sent, and
responses, confidentially, in the unit until evaluations, grievances, remands, etc. are completed.
Under no circumstances shall the candidate contact experts whose names he/she has submitted for
consideration, or engage in any substantive discussion about his/her promotion case with any
individual whom he/she knows to be serving as an external referee. The presumption is that a unit
director and the University Librarian will reach a consensus as to an appropriate list of referees.
However, in the event of a disagreement, a unit director is neither obliged to solicit, nor prohibited
from soliciting, any particular referee. Similarly, in conducting his/her evaluation of the candidacy
as set forth in Section M below, the University Librarian, at his/her discretion, may solicit letters
from additional external referees. Such additional letters shall be submitted to evaluative bodies in
accord with the procedures set forth in Section H, in which case all letters received after December
1, and until the addition of the University Librarian's letters, shall be submitted.
Sample letters of solicitation are attached in Appendices G-1, G-2 and G-IIL. Letters of
solicitation for confidential outside letters of recommendation shall be consistent with the
promotion criteria applicable to the candidate. A unit, with the prior approval of the University
Librarian and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, may modify the text of the
sample letter of solicitation.
No reference which might identify the writers of the confidential letters shall be made in any
portions of the promotion materials. Letters will be numbered and may be referred to by their
respective number in the narrative statements. Letters of solicitation shall be sent to external
referees early enough to permit the referee to complete an appropriately analytical and informative
review of the candidate's credentials and to permit reviewing bodies adequate time to consider
evaluators' responses.
The original external confidential letters of evaluation, together with a brief explanation of
the suitability and professional standing of the referee and the relationship of the referee to the
candidate (Form 3-a) and one copy only of the sample letter of solicitation (attached to Form 3),
must accompany the original promotion packet forwarded to the University Librarian.3 Do not
include the vitae of referees. All letters received must be submitted for review to all levels of
evaluation, except that letters which are received after the December 1 deadline for submission to
the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs will not be considered unless the University
Librarian has requested them as additional letters during his/her consideration of the packet.
External confidential letters solicited in a previous year may be used again and included
under Form 3. However, selectivity of such letters is not permitted even if the candidacy is later
withdrawn pursuant to Section R. therefore, either all or none of the letters solicited in a previous
3 When a referee relies on a telefaxed letter or an electronic transmission, these may be
considered originals in the absence of the original.