26 · SPEC Kit 293
8. What materials typically go into the portfolio that is sent to the external reviewer? Check all
that apply. N=37
Curriculum Vitae 33 89%
Evidence of publishing or scholarly activities 26 70%
Summary of accomplishments 20 54%
Evidence of creative activities 17 46%
Evidence of service activities 17 46%
Job related materials 13 35%
Other, please explain 11 30%
Selected Comments from Respondents
“Candidate’s narrative statement.”
“Candidate’s statement, promotion &tenure document.”
“Criteria for assessment.”
“Criteria for promotion and/or continuing appointment position description.”
“CV, accomplishments, job-related materials may be sent not required.”
“Peer assessments of teaching, self-assessment of progress, evidence of professional practice, evidence of
teaching, etc.”
“Library’s statement on promotion and tenure. In past years, also include candidate’s statement of research
goals and accomplishments.”
“Performance appraisals, letters of reference.”
“Statement of research interests &service statement &our criteria document.”
“The actual application and the criteria and weightings that we use.”
“The portfolio is not sent to external reviewer. Reviewer is asked to comment on specific accomplishments and
or position responsibilities suggested by the candidate.”
“Whatever the candidate submits.”
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