68 · SPEC Kit 293
University of Oregon
Candidates may contact Laine Stambaugh to view their promotion dossier at any
point in the process, unless they have waived access to referee letters.
Check here for IMPORTANT DEADLINES! Reviews
2. How the Referee Process Works:
For those of you undergoing promotion review, you are being asked to provide a
list of six "indicated" external referees. For purposes of clarification, "external"
means that the majority of these referees should be from off-campus, outside the
University of Oregon system. If you are a subject specialist, however, you should
include your main departmental liaison as one of your "indicated" referees. The
Provost's Office appreciates and understands the unique nature and service
mission of librarians and library professionals, so you will not be penalized for
providing one or two UO names (confirmed by Lorraine Davis on 7/11/02).
Things to Remember:
• "Indicated" Referees are individuals who are known by you, and have
agreed to your request to provide positive written letters of
recommendation, if asked by the Library Faculty Personnel Committee.
These are most likely colleagues and acquaintances you have worked
with through participation in professional organizations, publications,
and/or other professional activities.
• Be sure to list your "indicated" references in priority order as to whom you
would like contacted by the LFPC. Not all may be asked.
• Be sure you include a brief annotation as to why you selected each
referee (how you know that person).
The Process:
1. Once Library Human Resources (LHR) receives your list of "indicated"
referees, that list is passed on to your immediate supervisor. He/she then
adds to that list with a matching number of "non-indicated" referees. "Non-
indicated" referees may or may not be known to you or by you, but should
be considered experts in the field who are qualified to comment on your
individual professional contributions. In the past, these experts have been
most gracious and positive about participating in our promotion review
2. Your immediate supervisor and/or AUL returns the completed list of "non-
indicated" referees to LHR. The two lists are combined into a "Master List,"
which is then forwarded to the LFPC for consideration. As a committee,
they review the list and select those individuals to be contacted for your
University of Oregon
Candidates may contact Laine Stambaugh to view their promotion dossier at any
point in the process, unless they have waived access to referee letters.
Check here for IMPORTANT DEADLINES! Reviews
2. How the Referee Process Works:
For those of you undergoing promotion review, you are being asked to provide a
list of six "indicated" external referees. For purposes of clarification, "external"
means that the majority of these referees should be from off-campus, outside the
University of Oregon system. If you are a subject specialist, however, you should
include your main departmental liaison as one of your "indicated" referees. The
Provost's Office appreciates and understands the unique nature and service
mission of librarians and library professionals, so you will not be penalized for
providing one or two UO names (confirmed by Lorraine Davis on 7/11/02).
Things to Remember:
• "Indicated" Referees are individuals who are known by you, and have
agreed to your request to provide positive written letters of
recommendation, if asked by the Library Faculty Personnel Committee.
These are most likely colleagues and acquaintances you have worked
with through participation in professional organizations, publications,
and/or other professional activities.
• Be sure to list your "indicated" references in priority order as to whom you
would like contacted by the LFPC. Not all may be asked.
• Be sure you include a brief annotation as to why you selected each
referee (how you know that person).
The Process:
1. Once Library Human Resources (LHR) receives your list of "indicated"
referees, that list is passed on to your immediate supervisor. He/she then
adds to that list with a matching number of "non-indicated" referees. "Non-
indicated" referees may or may not be known to you or by you, but should
be considered experts in the field who are qualified to comment on your
individual professional contributions. In the past, these experts have been
most gracious and positive about participating in our promotion review
2. Your immediate supervisor and/or AUL returns the completed list of "non-
indicated" referees to LHR. The two lists are combined into a "Master List,"
which is then forwarded to the LFPC for consideration. As a committee,
they review the list and select those individuals to be contacted for your