External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 57
University of Kansas
mail requesting submission of a hard copy with signature.
List of materials sent to each evaluator
A brief biographical statement establishing the scholarly reputation of each
external evaluator and identification of the relationship of the evaluator to
the candidate and
Evaluators' vita (short form)
The biographical statement and accompanying vita should indicate to UCPT the
individual’s status/stature in the discipline or profession, why this individual
has the credentials to assess the candidate's research, scholarship, or creative
activity, why they were selected as reviewers, and if they have a personal or
academic connection with the candidate.
Evaluator Selection Process 1.a. A statement of the school or department's procedure for identifying and
selecting evaluators must be provided. The procedures for replacing reviewers
who withdraw after agreeing to participate and for transmitting the criteria and
selection procedure to the candidate are also to be addressed in this section.
Justification for 6 letters 1.b. If less than six evaluation letters are included in the file, a justification must
be provided in this section.
(Page 21) 1.c. List in chronological order all individuals contacted to be external
reviewers. Indicate their position/title, the date the request was made, whether
they agreed to provide an evaluation, and the date the evaluation was received.
Indicate with an asterisk (*)evaluators recommended by the candidate.
Location of Materials in Dossier
!Required Evaluations All letters solicited and received from external reviewers identified in 1.b. must
be placed in the separate file folder (Folder D) labeled "Record and Evaluation
of Research/Creative Activity." Copies of all letters requesting the evaluations
are to be placed in this folder. While six evaluations are expected, in no case
should fewer than four letters be submitted in the file.
The vita and brief biographical statement for each reviewer should precede
the response of each evaluator.
ONLY evaluations requested by the unit for the purpose designated in this
section of the form should be included in Folder D of the dossier.
NOTE: These evaluations remain a part of the permanent promotion and tenure
!Other Support Letters All other letters of evaluation or support and other relevant data, etc., should be
clearly labeled as such and placed in folders (Folders G, ...).Folders
containing solicited letters should be clearly labeled and a copy of the
solicitation letter, which must include the School/College confidentiality policy,
should be placed in the folder. A clear distinction should be made between the
content of this solicitation letter and the external reviewer letter in Folder D of
the dossier.
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