External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 103
University of Tennessee
07/31/2006 10:59 AM http://www.lib.utk.edu/~lss/lpp/form6.html
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Dear ____________________:
___________________is a candidate for __________________at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The chair of the Committee of the Whole has identified you
as a potential external evaluator because of your expertise in areas associated with their work. The University of Tennessee's promotion and tenure process requires that
we seek evaluations from persons who have not worked with the candidate and, thus,___________________ is not aware of our request.
We would appreciate your frank appraisal of the candidate's professional work and creative achievements, the quality of publications or other creative work, reputation or
standing in the field, and potential for further growth and achievement. We have included a curriculum vitae and a sample of pertinent publications selected by the
candidate for your review. Please also describe your professional relationship and/or knowledge of the candidate. Also enclosed are criteria for ____________________.
The university emphasizes the importance of selecting referees who are at rank for which the candidate is being considered or higher and requires a summary statement
about each referee. Therefore, I would appreciate a copy of your curriculum vitae, and an indication, when appropriate, of your faculty rank. We are aware of the time
that our request requires however, we assure you that guidance from scholars ("professionals" when writing to librarians) like you is vital to our decision-making process.
You should be aware that the State of Tennessee has a Freedom of Information Law. Because of that law, we are unable to guarantee that the candidate will not request
to see your letter.
Please send your evaluation to Barbara I Dewey, Dean of Libraries, John C. Hodges Library, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1000 by October
15, 2004. If you prefer, you may use e-mail for your response (bdewey@utk.edu).
Thank you for your cooperation in this important process.
Barbara I.Dewey
Dean of Libraries
Revised 2004.
Table of Contents
University of Tennessee
07/31/2006 10:59 AM http://www.lib.utk.edu/~lss/lpp/form6.html
Page 1 of 1 http://www.lib.utk.edu/~lss/lpp/form6.html
Dear ____________________:
___________________is a candidate for __________________at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The chair of the Committee of the Whole has identified you
as a potential external evaluator because of your expertise in areas associated with their work. The University of Tennessee's promotion and tenure process requires that
we seek evaluations from persons who have not worked with the candidate and, thus,___________________ is not aware of our request.
We would appreciate your frank appraisal of the candidate's professional work and creative achievements, the quality of publications or other creative work, reputation or
standing in the field, and potential for further growth and achievement. We have included a curriculum vitae and a sample of pertinent publications selected by the
candidate for your review. Please also describe your professional relationship and/or knowledge of the candidate. Also enclosed are criteria for ____________________.
The university emphasizes the importance of selecting referees who are at rank for which the candidate is being considered or higher and requires a summary statement
about each referee. Therefore, I would appreciate a copy of your curriculum vitae, and an indication, when appropriate, of your faculty rank. We are aware of the time
that our request requires however, we assure you that guidance from scholars ("professionals" when writing to librarians) like you is vital to our decision-making process.
You should be aware that the State of Tennessee has a Freedom of Information Law. Because of that law, we are unable to guarantee that the candidate will not request
to see your letter.
Please send your evaluation to Barbara I Dewey, Dean of Libraries, John C. Hodges Library, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1000 by October
15, 2004. If you prefer, you may use e-mail for your response (bdewey@utk.edu).
Thank you for your cooperation in this important process.
Barbara I.Dewey
Dean of Libraries
Revised 2004.
Table of Contents