External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 23
Selected Comments from Respondents
“Two are nominated by candidate, three by library (Dean with advice of EC).”
“Candidates identify three possible reviewers and the Personnel Officer selects one of the three.”
“Final recommendation is made by Unit Director, but others are consulted in the process.”
“The candidate’s associate dean.”
“The external reviewers are those library directors who serve on the (visiting) Library Advisory Council.”
“Unit director who may or may not be the immediate supervisor.”
3. What criteria are used to identify potential external reviewers? Please check all that apply.
The reviewer’s reputation in the candidate’s field of expertise 28 74%
The rank of the reviewer (assistant, associate, professor/librarian) 20 53%
The reviewer’s library’s promotion and tenure standards 14 37%
Other, please explain 16 42%
Selected Comments from Respondents
“Appropriateness of reviewer’s position relative to the candidate’s position”
“Other criteria include the reviewer’s professional relationship to the candidate and the reviewer’s ability to
evaluate the candidate’s work.”
“Relative standing of institution, prefer faculty, must not be a research collaborator of candidate”
“Reputation of reviewer’s institution”
“Reviewer’s knowledge of candidate’s contributions”
“Reviewer’s knowledge of the candidate’s activities, accomplishments, contributions to library and profession”
“Reviewer’s knowledge of the candidate’s work and professional activities”
“Subject area”
“The external reviewers are those library directors who serve on the (visiting) Library Advisory Council.”
“The reviewer’s academic institution”
“The reviewer’s knowledge of the candidate’s achievements during the period under review”
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