External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 65
University of Oklahoma
Abstain, Unavailable, or Ineligible. AT LEAST FULL PROFESSORS VOTE.
Chair/Directors should append a copy of the unit’s policy on promotion votes
and a list of faculty eligible to vote.
C. For faculty seeking Tenure/Promotion who are budgeted in two or more units, the full
numerical results of the votes by the academic units shall be reported and fully
considered. However, in characterizing the overall vote at the unit level as positive or
negative, the Provost and Campus Tenure Committee will weigh the overall positive or
negative result of each unit by the percent of the candidate’s salary contributed by that
unit during the current year. Thus, for a candidate whose salary is evenly split
between two units and who receives a positive vote in one unit and a negative vote in
the other, the vote will be characterized as evenly split regardless of the absolute
numbers of faculty voting positively or negatively.
2. The Summary of Recommendation pages should be followed by a description of the
procedures the unit used for the tenure/promotion process. A sample of such a procedure
statement follows:
Procedural Details of Faculty Vote on Tenure and Promotion
The tenure dossier of Professor XX was compiled and made available for
inspection to the (number) tenured faculty in the Department of Art &Automation on
October 14, 20__. (Note here if any tenured faculty were ineligible to vote due to the
nepotism policy or for other reasons). The tenured faculty met to discuss Professor
XX's qualifications on October 28, 20__*, with 13 of the 15 tenured faculty members in
the department present (absent were Professor YY and Associate Professor ZZ). At
the conclusion of this meeting ballots were distributed with instructions that they be
completed and returned by no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 28, 20__. Completed
ballots were deposited in a ballot box and the voting faculty member's name was
checked off on a list of the department's tenured faculty. Professor YY submitted an
absentee ballot we were not able to obtain a vote from Professor ZZ, who is on
sabbatical. The Chair and Committee A met on October __,20__ to tally the tenure
and promotion votes for Professor XX. At this same meeting, Committee A conducted
its vote by a show of hands, and subsequently the Chair advised Committee A of their
*Note the two-week period for inspection of the dossier as specified in the Faculty
Handbook. Exceptions to this procedure should be noted, and approval for such
exceptions should be obtained from the unit's tenured faculty, college dean, and
University Senior Vice President and Provost, as appropriate.
3. The Unit Tenure Guidelines should follow.
4. For tenure candidates, the next page of the packet is the “Recommendation of
Committee A” (including minority reports, if any) with critical assessments of the
quality, quantity, and significance in Teaching and Advising, Research and Creative
Activity, and Service. Provide an analysis of how the candidate meets or does not
meet the unit tenure guidelines, and discussions in the light of tenure cases in the
recent past.
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