External Review for Promotion and Tenure · 67
University of Oklahoma
procedures for the tenure decision which generally includes review by the departmental
tenure faculty, a select group of college faculty appointed by the dean, the Campus Tenure
Committee, and relevant administrators at the University of Oklahoma. We ask for your
letter of evaluation and a copy of your own curriculum vita to include with the tenure
dossier. In your letter, it is important that you elucidate the extent of your professional or
personal relationship with Professor _____the intent is to identify potential cases of
partiality or conflicts of interest that might otherwise not be known by us. We ask that
evaluators not provide comments as to whether a candidate should or should not be
awarded tenure at the University of Oklahoma but rather comments on how the candidate’s
research record compares with those who have recently been awarded tenure at your
9. Copies of all confidential letters of evaluation solicited and received must be
included in the dossier. In no case should fewer than three letters be submitted (usually,
five or six letters are included). Academic units are advised to solicit external letters of
evaluation early enough that they produce thorough appraisals of the tenure candidates.
The Provost’s Office recommends that units begin soliciting these during the Spring
semester for the coming academic year’s tenure cycle. Evaluators should receive an
appropriately representative body of work to review and candidates should have input into
what pieces of work are sent to evaluators.
In addition to the curriculum vita, a brief but detailed description of the individuals who have
provided letters of evaluation for the research, scholarly, or creative activities should also
be provided and should include who they are, where they are, what their status in the
profession is, whether they were suggested by the Chair/Committee A or by the candidate,
why they were selected as reviewers, and whether they have any academic or personal
connection with the candidate. (See forms – pages 21 and 22.)
Part II Candidate Data:
Most of the information will be supplied by the candidate, but the academic unit should assist the
candidate by providing certain kinds of data from departmental files. The following information is
required for all candidates.
10. Original letter of appointment (Tenure Candidates Only)
11. Annual Progress-toward-tenure evaluation for each probationary year (Tenure
Candidates Only)
12. Summary reports of Annual Faculty Evaluation from date of initial appointment
13. Complete and up-to-date vita including a summary of college and university degrees
earned, all professional employment, and all professional honors and awards
14. Teaching Data (provide the following)
a. Statement of teaching philosophy and activities. Candidates are asked to include a
synopsis of both student and peer evaluations of teaching and academic advising,
being sure to summarize strong and weak areas at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels (including the supervision of master’s degree and doctoral thesis
University of Oklahoma
procedures for the tenure decision which generally includes review by the departmental
tenure faculty, a select group of college faculty appointed by the dean, the Campus Tenure
Committee, and relevant administrators at the University of Oklahoma. We ask for your
letter of evaluation and a copy of your own curriculum vita to include with the tenure
dossier. In your letter, it is important that you elucidate the extent of your professional or
personal relationship with Professor _____the intent is to identify potential cases of
partiality or conflicts of interest that might otherwise not be known by us. We ask that
evaluators not provide comments as to whether a candidate should or should not be
awarded tenure at the University of Oklahoma but rather comments on how the candidate’s
research record compares with those who have recently been awarded tenure at your
9. Copies of all confidential letters of evaluation solicited and received must be
included in the dossier. In no case should fewer than three letters be submitted (usually,
five or six letters are included). Academic units are advised to solicit external letters of
evaluation early enough that they produce thorough appraisals of the tenure candidates.
The Provost’s Office recommends that units begin soliciting these during the Spring
semester for the coming academic year’s tenure cycle. Evaluators should receive an
appropriately representative body of work to review and candidates should have input into
what pieces of work are sent to evaluators.
In addition to the curriculum vita, a brief but detailed description of the individuals who have
provided letters of evaluation for the research, scholarly, or creative activities should also
be provided and should include who they are, where they are, what their status in the
profession is, whether they were suggested by the Chair/Committee A or by the candidate,
why they were selected as reviewers, and whether they have any academic or personal
connection with the candidate. (See forms – pages 21 and 22.)
Part II Candidate Data:
Most of the information will be supplied by the candidate, but the academic unit should assist the
candidate by providing certain kinds of data from departmental files. The following information is
required for all candidates.
10. Original letter of appointment (Tenure Candidates Only)
11. Annual Progress-toward-tenure evaluation for each probationary year (Tenure
Candidates Only)
12. Summary reports of Annual Faculty Evaluation from date of initial appointment
13. Complete and up-to-date vita including a summary of college and university degrees
earned, all professional employment, and all professional honors and awards
14. Teaching Data (provide the following)
a. Statement of teaching philosophy and activities. Candidates are asked to include a
synopsis of both student and peer evaluations of teaching and academic advising,
being sure to summarize strong and weak areas at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels (including the supervision of master’s degree and doctoral thesis