76 · Representative Documents: Accreditation Process Descriptions
University of Tennessee
Program/Accreditation Review Process
University of Tennessee Libraries: Program /Accreditation Review Process
http://www.lib.utk.edu/colldev/proview.html[9/5/12 3:20:58 PM]
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Program /Accreditation Review Process
Campus departmental program and accreditation reviews offer an opportunity to assess faculty and student
satisfaction with library services, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the library collection in support of
instruction and research. Subject librarians and Research Collections staff collaborate to prepare the library
portion of departmental reviews.
Research Services and Collections staff will distribute to all subject librarians the calendar for program
reviews that is prepared by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Schedule revisions
received in RSC will be forwarded to subject librarians and coordinators. A complete file of program reviews
prepared by the Libraries is available in the Research Collections office in room 146 of Hodges Library, and
subject librarians may request copies as needed. Research Services and Collections uses boilerplate from
Libraries publications and Web pages to compile descriptive sections about collections and services.
Sample Program Review
Program Review Library Assessment Form
July: Subject librarians and other library staff revise library boilerplate used in departmental review
August -Sept.: RSC sends the current Academic Affairs program review calendar to all subject librarians.
September: Subject librarians contact department heads to determine if an accrediting board exists, and if
reviews are scheduled for the academic year.
September: RSC prepares for the Web pages a calendar of program reviews and accreditation reports
planned for the current academic year. Page is updated as new dates are discovered.
3-4 months before report due: Subject librarian contacts academic department head to determine the
kind of library information desired for the review.
3-4 months before report due: Immediately following the meeting with academic department head or
designated review coordinator, subject librarian meets with Delight to discuss data needed and overall
content of the library portion, and evaluative sections. Librarian and Delight determine production timetable.
2 weeks before report due: Delight sends draft of report to subject librarian for review.
1 week before report due: Subject librarian returns corrected draft to Delight.
Report due date: Delight or subject librarian delivers completed report to academic department.
Ongoing: Research Collections refers questions from academic departments about program reviews to
appropriate subject librarian.
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University of Tennessee
Program/Accreditation Review Process
University of Tennessee Libraries: Program /Accreditation Review Process
http://www.lib.utk.edu/colldev/proview.html[9/5/12 3:20:58 PM]
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University Libraries -University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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Program /Accreditation Review Process
Campus departmental program and accreditation reviews offer an opportunity to assess faculty and student
satisfaction with library services, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the library collection in support of
instruction and research. Subject librarians and Research Collections staff collaborate to prepare the library
portion of departmental reviews.
Research Services and Collections staff will distribute to all subject librarians the calendar for program
reviews that is prepared by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Schedule revisions
received in RSC will be forwarded to subject librarians and coordinators. A complete file of program reviews
prepared by the Libraries is available in the Research Collections office in room 146 of Hodges Library, and
subject librarians may request copies as needed. Research Services and Collections uses boilerplate from
Libraries publications and Web pages to compile descriptive sections about collections and services.
Sample Program Review
Program Review Library Assessment Form
July: Subject librarians and other library staff revise library boilerplate used in departmental review
August -Sept.: RSC sends the current Academic Affairs program review calendar to all subject librarians.
September: Subject librarians contact department heads to determine if an accrediting board exists, and if
reviews are scheduled for the academic year.
September: RSC prepares for the Web pages a calendar of program reviews and accreditation reports
planned for the current academic year. Page is updated as new dates are discovered.
3-4 months before report due: Subject librarian contacts academic department head to determine the
kind of library information desired for the review.
3-4 months before report due: Immediately following the meeting with academic department head or
designated review coordinator, subject librarian meets with Delight to discuss data needed and overall
content of the library portion, and evaluative sections. Librarian and Delight determine production timetable.
2 weeks before report due: Delight sends draft of report to subject librarian for review.
1 week before report due: Subject librarian returns corrected draft to Delight.
Report due date: Delight or subject librarian delivers completed report to academic department.
Ongoing: Research Collections refers questions from academic departments about program reviews to
appropriate subject librarian.
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