42 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Reference coverage and related services (comment on the availability of library staff to provide reference help on social
work topics to faculty and students). Is there a library staff member assigned to a liaison role for the social work
program? (If yes, describe the nature of this role vis-à-vis the social work program.) Is there a librarian (or librarians)
with a specific social work designation, such as social work librarian, social work bibliographer, or social work liaison?
Describe the job responsibilities of these librarians and other activities. In addition, is there involvement by librarians in
(a) social work courses or in course management programs (such as Blackboard, WebCT) for social work students (b)
library instruction provided through distance education, continuing education (c) library services for alumni, outreach,
or community services (d) development of the program’s strategic planning, technology development and curriculum
revision and (e) activities providing opportunities for professional development? Is there a procedure used by social
work faculty to recommend items for purchase? If yes, how are such faculty recommendations handled by library staff.
How often are new acquisitions in social work listed and reported to program faculty? Traffic or other counts of users
of social work collection or social work resources. Instructional sessions (number and type of presentations, number
of participants, evaluation data). Location of library/social work collection relative to classroom and other social
work student services. Library hours for the main library and social work collection library for the full calendar year.
(Are there requests for additional hours from social work students? If yes, discuss the library’s response). Samples
and results of assessment/evaluation surveys of library services. Strengths, areas of concern, projections for and
assessment plans of the social work collection.
National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)
The NAAB report asked for the following to be included in library report: “I.2.5 Information Resources: The accredited
program must demonstrate that all students, Faculty, and staff have convenient access to literature, information, visual,
and digital resources that support professional education in the field of architecture. Further, the accredited program
must demonstrate that all students, faculty, and staff have access to architecture librarians and visual resources
professionals who provide information services that teach and develop research, evaluative, and critical thinking skills
necessary for professional practice and lifelong learning.
National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)
National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST)
Their primary interests were the collections and information literacy instruction for students.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
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