SPEC Kit 330: Library Contribution to Accreditation · 67
Howard University
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2 Objective 2a
Library Assessment Plan, Goals, Howard University
http://www.howard.edu/library/assessmentplan/main/Goal%202a.htm[9/12/12 7:16:37 PM]
HUL HOME Assessment Goals &Objectives
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2
Objectives: 2a |2b |2c |2d
Department/School/Administrative Unit: University Libraries
Submitted by: Academic Year
Program Title and Degree (if applicable)
GOAL 2: INFORMATION EMPOWERMENT --The student's information skills as foundations for life-long
learning are developed or enhanced
Intended Educational (Student), Research or Service Outcomes, Administrative Objectives or Expected Results (In this section,
clearly articulate the expected results related to each goal. Try to make the objectives results-oriented). It is best to specify the objectives for
each goal--e.g., Goal 1 may have two objectives labeled as Objective 1a and Objective 1b)
OBJECTIVE 2a: Patrons receive effective ready reference and consultation assistance
Performance Criteria/Indicators for Success—When seeking information/reference/consultation assistance, the patron experiences
the following:
Enthusiastic, innovative and courteous service
Prompt and effective service
Performance Activities
Staff the service point adequately and appropriately
Provide electronic reference service for remote users
Conduct training to ensure each employee possesses
thorough professional knowledge and technical skills
excellent communication skills--listening, understanding, and speaking
excellent personal qualities
Conduct regular employee appraisals to assess and evaluate performance
Communicate with University constituencies about services and collections (Bibliographers Webmaster Systems)
Produce print and electronic general and specialized guides to services and resources (Bibliographers Webmaster Systems)
Conduct user surveys to assess customer expectations and perception
Methods of Assessment
Survey Questionnaire
Use of Findings
Accelerate training and plan future staff development
Revise staffing patterns
Test alternative staffing models
Adjust recruitment strategy
Feedback Channel and Assessment Timeline
Data collected/analyzed quarterly by research assistants
Results reported to library administrators, managers, public service staff
External stakeholders (faculty, students, University administrators
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