SPEC Kit 330: Library Contribution to Accreditation · 171
University of Virginia
Core Requirements 2.9 – Learning Resources and Services
Core Requirements, Institutional Accreditation, U.Va.
http://www.virginia.edu/sacs/core/2-9.html[9/5/12 4:51:12 PM]
History, Literature, and Culture and the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library. The Harrison
Institute fosters scholarly collaboration and interdisciplinary discourse through its exhibitions, conferences,
symposia, and visiting scholars program. Foremost among the 286,000 rare books and over 15 million
manuscripts of the Small Library are the Albert H. Small collection of autograph documents and rare, early
printings of the Declaration of Independence the Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History the Clifton
Waller Barrett Library of American Literature the William Faulkner Collection the Douglas H. Gordon Collection
of French Books of the sixteenth to nineteenth century and many Virginiana collections, including papers and
architectural drawings of the University’s founder, Thomas Jefferson.
The Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library serves the School of Architecture and the art and drama departments by
supporting curriculum and research needs. The library’s collection covers architecture, including building
construction and engineering, architectural restoration, environmental design history of architecture landscape
architecture urban planning studio art art history, theater history, and technical aspects of theater
production. Faculty and students in these programs use the library’s extensive digital image and slide
collections for their teaching, learning, and research.
The Education Library primarily supports the teaching and research initiatives of the Curry School of Education.
It is both a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in administration and
supervision clinical and school psychology communication disorders counselor education educational
psychology higher education instructional technology kinesiology prevention in education sciences
psychology and education of the gifted risk and teacher education social foundations sport and exercise
psychology research statistics and evaluation special education and student affairs practice in higher
education. The collection includes the ERIC Microfiche Research Collection, education dissertations and theses,
and a juvenile and young adult collection.
The Music Library collections support the curriculum of the McIntire Department of Music in performance,
musicology, ethnomusicology, composition, and music theory. The library maintains additional collections in the
science and physics of musical sound and musical instruments, sound recording techniques and equipment,
computer-generated music and sound, vocal production, and psychoacoustics. Recent curricular changes have
caused the collection to expand into areas of popular music and gender studies. Materials in the collection
include not only books and journals about music, but also printed music for both study and performance, and
sound and video recordings.
The Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Libraries provide resources and services to students and faculty
in astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, physics, psychology, and
statistics. These libraries include a main library and five smaller satellite libraries.
The main Science and Engineering Library contains books, journals, and other materials in all areas of science
and technology. The majority of undergraduate science materials are in this library, along with graduate-level
collections in environmental science and all of the engineering specialties taught at the University. The library
also maintains a comprehensive reference collection, a strong history of science and technology collection, and
a growing collection of electronic journal databases, data sets, and other documents in electronic formats.
The Astronomy Library is primarily a graduate- and research-level collection with strengths in astrometry,
extragalactic astronomy, planetary astronomy, radio astronomy, space astronomy, stars and stellar evolution,
and theoretical and high energy astrophysics. The library also supports the Virginia Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy, which has programs in accretion disks, cosmology, galaxy clusters, the interstellar medium,
protostellar evolution, and supernovae.
The Biology/Psychology Library is a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in
developmental biology, molecular genetics and cell biology, population biology and evolution, neurobiology and
behavior, and seven areas of psychology (clinical, cognitive, community, developmental, psychobiology,
quantitative, and social). The library also supports programs in biophysics and biological timing. In addition, the
library works closely with the staff of the Mountain Lake Biological Station in support of their programs in
ecology and evolutionary research.
The Chemistry Library is primarily a graduate- and research-level collection with strengths in a wide variety of
areas including laser spectroscopy, molecular emission, mass spectrometry, neutron activation analysis,
chemometrics, infrared spectroscopy, microscopic level descriptions of molecular structure and processes,
synthesis of natural and unnatural compounds, organometallic chemistry, catalysts, the interface of inorganic
and biological chemistry, photochemistry, solid state chemistry, and the disciplines of bioorganic, bioinorganic,
and biophysical chemistry.
The Mathematics Library is primarily a graduate-level collection with strengths in applied mathematics,
algebraic geometry, algebraic topology and K-theory, analytic number theory, combinatorics and coding theory,
ergodic theory, group theory and representation theory, harmonic analysis and special functions, history of
mathematics, mathematical physics, mathematical statistics, nonassociative algebra, operator theory and
function theory, partial differential equations, probability, and real analysis.
The Physics Library is both a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in atomic,
molecular, and optical physics, biological and medical physics, chemical physics, condensed matter physics,
engineering physics, experimental gravitational physics, high energy physics, mathematical physics, nuclear and
particle physics, physics education, and theoretical physics.
In addition to the 13 facilities described above, the University Library also provides the following resources:
The University Library’s Electronic Text Center delivers a collection of electronic texts (numbering 22,312 for
the 2005 fiscal year), including materials in 15 languages. Especially notable are the collections in English and
American literature and the history of philosophy.
The Geospatial &Statistical Data Center houses maps, geospatial data, and social science data sets. Much of
the information is digital, but it also includes physical map collections, paper copies of many codebooks,
software manuals, and reference books pertaining to spatial and statistical analysis. The center also provides a
variety of online GIS data with a particular focus on data about the state of Virginia.
In the 2005 fiscal year, the University Library owned 732,528 items of Government Information Resources in
both print and electronic format. The University Library is a depository for publications issued by the United
States and Commonwealth of Virginia governments as well as for the publications of the United Nations, the
European Union, and the World Trade Organization. The library also collects extensively from the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Bank, UNESCO, International Monetary Fund, International
Labour Organization, and other international governmental organizations.
University of Virginia
Core Requirements 2.9 – Learning Resources and Services
Core Requirements, Institutional Accreditation, U.Va.
http://www.virginia.edu/sacs/core/2-9.html[9/5/12 4:51:12 PM]
History, Literature, and Culture and the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library. The Harrison
Institute fosters scholarly collaboration and interdisciplinary discourse through its exhibitions, conferences,
symposia, and visiting scholars program. Foremost among the 286,000 rare books and over 15 million
manuscripts of the Small Library are the Albert H. Small collection of autograph documents and rare, early
printings of the Declaration of Independence the Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History the Clifton
Waller Barrett Library of American Literature the William Faulkner Collection the Douglas H. Gordon Collection
of French Books of the sixteenth to nineteenth century and many Virginiana collections, including papers and
architectural drawings of the University’s founder, Thomas Jefferson.
The Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library serves the School of Architecture and the art and drama departments by
supporting curriculum and research needs. The library’s collection covers architecture, including building
construction and engineering, architectural restoration, environmental design history of architecture landscape
architecture urban planning studio art art history, theater history, and technical aspects of theater
production. Faculty and students in these programs use the library’s extensive digital image and slide
collections for their teaching, learning, and research.
The Education Library primarily supports the teaching and research initiatives of the Curry School of Education.
It is both a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in administration and
supervision clinical and school psychology communication disorders counselor education educational
psychology higher education instructional technology kinesiology prevention in education sciences
psychology and education of the gifted risk and teacher education social foundations sport and exercise
psychology research statistics and evaluation special education and student affairs practice in higher
education. The collection includes the ERIC Microfiche Research Collection, education dissertations and theses,
and a juvenile and young adult collection.
The Music Library collections support the curriculum of the McIntire Department of Music in performance,
musicology, ethnomusicology, composition, and music theory. The library maintains additional collections in the
science and physics of musical sound and musical instruments, sound recording techniques and equipment,
computer-generated music and sound, vocal production, and psychoacoustics. Recent curricular changes have
caused the collection to expand into areas of popular music and gender studies. Materials in the collection
include not only books and journals about music, but also printed music for both study and performance, and
sound and video recordings.
The Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Libraries provide resources and services to students and faculty
in astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, physics, psychology, and
statistics. These libraries include a main library and five smaller satellite libraries.
The main Science and Engineering Library contains books, journals, and other materials in all areas of science
and technology. The majority of undergraduate science materials are in this library, along with graduate-level
collections in environmental science and all of the engineering specialties taught at the University. The library
also maintains a comprehensive reference collection, a strong history of science and technology collection, and
a growing collection of electronic journal databases, data sets, and other documents in electronic formats.
The Astronomy Library is primarily a graduate- and research-level collection with strengths in astrometry,
extragalactic astronomy, planetary astronomy, radio astronomy, space astronomy, stars and stellar evolution,
and theoretical and high energy astrophysics. The library also supports the Virginia Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy, which has programs in accretion disks, cosmology, galaxy clusters, the interstellar medium,
protostellar evolution, and supernovae.
The Biology/Psychology Library is a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in
developmental biology, molecular genetics and cell biology, population biology and evolution, neurobiology and
behavior, and seven areas of psychology (clinical, cognitive, community, developmental, psychobiology,
quantitative, and social). The library also supports programs in biophysics and biological timing. In addition, the
library works closely with the staff of the Mountain Lake Biological Station in support of their programs in
ecology and evolutionary research.
The Chemistry Library is primarily a graduate- and research-level collection with strengths in a wide variety of
areas including laser spectroscopy, molecular emission, mass spectrometry, neutron activation analysis,
chemometrics, infrared spectroscopy, microscopic level descriptions of molecular structure and processes,
synthesis of natural and unnatural compounds, organometallic chemistry, catalysts, the interface of inorganic
and biological chemistry, photochemistry, solid state chemistry, and the disciplines of bioorganic, bioinorganic,
and biophysical chemistry.
The Mathematics Library is primarily a graduate-level collection with strengths in applied mathematics,
algebraic geometry, algebraic topology and K-theory, analytic number theory, combinatorics and coding theory,
ergodic theory, group theory and representation theory, harmonic analysis and special functions, history of
mathematics, mathematical physics, mathematical statistics, nonassociative algebra, operator theory and
function theory, partial differential equations, probability, and real analysis.
The Physics Library is both a graduate- and undergraduate-level collection with research strengths in atomic,
molecular, and optical physics, biological and medical physics, chemical physics, condensed matter physics,
engineering physics, experimental gravitational physics, high energy physics, mathematical physics, nuclear and
particle physics, physics education, and theoretical physics.
In addition to the 13 facilities described above, the University Library also provides the following resources:
The University Library’s Electronic Text Center delivers a collection of electronic texts (numbering 22,312 for
the 2005 fiscal year), including materials in 15 languages. Especially notable are the collections in English and
American literature and the history of philosophy.
The Geospatial &Statistical Data Center houses maps, geospatial data, and social science data sets. Much of
the information is digital, but it also includes physical map collections, paper copies of many codebooks,
software manuals, and reference books pertaining to spatial and statistical analysis. The center also provides a
variety of online GIS data with a particular focus on data about the state of Virginia.
In the 2005 fiscal year, the University Library owned 732,528 items of Government Information Resources in
both print and electronic format. The University Library is a depository for publications issued by the United
States and Commonwealth of Virginia governments as well as for the publications of the United Nations, the
European Union, and the World Trade Organization. The library also collects extensively from the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Bank, UNESCO, International Monetary Fund, International
Labour Organization, and other international governmental organizations.