70 · Representative Documents: Accreditation Process Descriptions
Howard University
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2 Objective 2c
Library Assessment Plan, Goals, Howard University
http://www.howard.edu/library/assessmentplan/main/Goal%202c.htm[9/12/12 7:19:07 PM]
HUL HOME Assessment Goals &Objectives
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2
Objectives: 2a |2b |2c |2d
Department/School/Administrative Unit University Libraries
Submitted by: Academic Year
Program Title and Degree (if applicable)
GOAL 2: INFORMATION EMPOWERMENT --The student's information skills as foundations for life-long
learning are developed or enhanced
Intended Educational (Student), Research or Service Outcomes, Administrative Objectives or Expected Results (In this section,
clearly articulate the expected results related to each goal. Try to make the objectives results-oriented). It is best to specify the objectives for
each goal--e.g., Goal 1 may have two objectives labeled as Objective 1a and Objective 1b)
OBJECTIVE 2c: Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students completing departmental research
methods courses can readily identify appropriate finding tools expeditiously, evaluate information sources and
their content critically, and document information content accurately (learning outcome)
Performance Criteria/Indicators for Success — An information competent user will be able to:
Articulate his/her information need
Select finding tools according to the type of information source needed or specified time frame
Construct strategies for basic and advanced searches to obtain information at the desired level of specificity
Critically evaluate citations retrieved or material accessed in full-text and determine whether or not the information is credible,
authoritative, accurate and appropriate for the intended use
Cite the information included in papers, reports, and proposals according to documentation guidelines in particular subject
areas or disciplines.
Performance Activities
Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students completing departmental research methods courses will complete at least
one session of advanced, discipline-specific library instruction
Distance learners will complete an online tutorial on advanced search techniques
Graduate and professional students will complete online questionnaire on scholarly communications, copyright, intellectual
property, plagiarism and documentation
Methods of Assessment
Pre- and Post-Tests
Course Portfolio
Course Diary or Journal
Bibliographic Essay
Use of Findings
Revise online modules
Adjust pedagogy
Order publications recommended in student papers
Feedback Channel and Assessment Timeline
Teaching librarian -at end of session or semester
Faculty teaching course or seminar -at end of semester
Library-faculty assessment committee
Library administrators- before end of budget cycle
University Assessment Committee
Howard University
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2 Objective 2c
Library Assessment Plan, Goals, Howard University
http://www.howard.edu/library/assessmentplan/main/Goal%202c.htm[9/12/12 7:19:07 PM]
HUL HOME Assessment Goals &Objectives
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 2
Objectives: 2a |2b |2c |2d
Department/School/Administrative Unit University Libraries
Submitted by: Academic Year
Program Title and Degree (if applicable)
GOAL 2: INFORMATION EMPOWERMENT --The student's information skills as foundations for life-long
learning are developed or enhanced
Intended Educational (Student), Research or Service Outcomes, Administrative Objectives or Expected Results (In this section,
clearly articulate the expected results related to each goal. Try to make the objectives results-oriented). It is best to specify the objectives for
each goal--e.g., Goal 1 may have two objectives labeled as Objective 1a and Objective 1b)
OBJECTIVE 2c: Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students completing departmental research
methods courses can readily identify appropriate finding tools expeditiously, evaluate information sources and
their content critically, and document information content accurately (learning outcome)
Performance Criteria/Indicators for Success — An information competent user will be able to:
Articulate his/her information need
Select finding tools according to the type of information source needed or specified time frame
Construct strategies for basic and advanced searches to obtain information at the desired level of specificity
Critically evaluate citations retrieved or material accessed in full-text and determine whether or not the information is credible,
authoritative, accurate and appropriate for the intended use
Cite the information included in papers, reports, and proposals according to documentation guidelines in particular subject
areas or disciplines.
Performance Activities
Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students completing departmental research methods courses will complete at least
one session of advanced, discipline-specific library instruction
Distance learners will complete an online tutorial on advanced search techniques
Graduate and professional students will complete online questionnaire on scholarly communications, copyright, intellectual
property, plagiarism and documentation
Methods of Assessment
Pre- and Post-Tests
Course Portfolio
Course Diary or Journal
Bibliographic Essay
Use of Findings
Revise online modules
Adjust pedagogy
Order publications recommended in student papers
Feedback Channel and Assessment Timeline
Teaching librarian -at end of session or semester
Faculty teaching course or seminar -at end of semester
Library-faculty assessment committee
Library administrators- before end of budget cycle
University Assessment Committee