118 · Representative Documents: Regional Accrediting Agency Reports
Brigham Young University
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Library and Information Resources 5
Many workstations in a variety of configurations and wired/wireless connectivity throughout
Personnel and Management
Strong communication between the libraries and their constituencies.
Positive relationship with OIT in maintaining technology-based services.
Successful program of repurposing positions as individuals retire or terminate.
Strong culture of assessment using local and national measurement tools.
Challenges and Recommendations
Information Services
Integrate more library services with other teaching and learning support programs, including
increasing the number of course-specific Web portals with the university’s online course-
management system to include delivery of library content.
Expand the Information Commons and increase technology instruction.
Embed information literacy instruction deeper into the university’s curriculum.
Information Resources
Rewrite collection development policies and place them online.
Allocate an additional 2 percent of collections budget for scholarly journals and databases.
Participate in efforts to develop new modes of scholarly communication and refine the
institutional repository.
Expand the digital reformatting programs with added emphasis on audio and video formats.
Determine appropriate balance between traditional cataloging and creation of metadata then
allocate resources accordingly.
Facilities and Access
Continue to remodel and equip public spaces to accommodate technology.
Establish a strategic plan for managing collection growth and find solutions to the space
Personnel and Management
Increase library endowments for collection development and digitization programs.
Continue to reallocate positions in the Lee Library to areas of greatest need and add one new
full-time librarian to the Hunter Library.
Plan and develop massive storage capacity for digital library content.
Routinely gather data on usage of electronic resources.
Continue to conduct collection assessments.
Incorporate assessment data review into library decision making.
Brigham Young University
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Library and Information Resources 5
Many workstations in a variety of configurations and wired/wireless connectivity throughout
Personnel and Management
Strong communication between the libraries and their constituencies.
Positive relationship with OIT in maintaining technology-based services.
Successful program of repurposing positions as individuals retire or terminate.
Strong culture of assessment using local and national measurement tools.
Challenges and Recommendations
Information Services
Integrate more library services with other teaching and learning support programs, including
increasing the number of course-specific Web portals with the university’s online course-
management system to include delivery of library content.
Expand the Information Commons and increase technology instruction.
Embed information literacy instruction deeper into the university’s curriculum.
Information Resources
Rewrite collection development policies and place them online.
Allocate an additional 2 percent of collections budget for scholarly journals and databases.
Participate in efforts to develop new modes of scholarly communication and refine the
institutional repository.
Expand the digital reformatting programs with added emphasis on audio and video formats.
Determine appropriate balance between traditional cataloging and creation of metadata then
allocate resources accordingly.
Facilities and Access
Continue to remodel and equip public spaces to accommodate technology.
Establish a strategic plan for managing collection growth and find solutions to the space
Personnel and Management
Increase library endowments for collection development and digitization programs.
Continue to reallocate positions in the Lee Library to areas of greatest need and add one new
full-time librarian to the Hunter Library.
Plan and develop massive storage capacity for digital library content.
Routinely gather data on usage of electronic resources.
Continue to conduct collection assessments.
Incorporate assessment data review into library decision making.