SPEC Kit 330: Library Contribution to Accreditation · 73
Howard University
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 4 Objective 4a
Library Assessment Plan, Goals, Howard University
http://www.howard.edu/library/assessmentplan/main/Goal%204a.htm[9/12/12 7:23:26 PM]
HUL HOME Assessment Goals &Objectives
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 4
Objectives: 4a |4b
Department/School/Administrative Unit University Libraries
Submitted by: Academic Year
Program Title and Degree (if applicable)
GOAL 4: EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION --Enhanced organizational effectiveness and efficiency, and
sustained financial growth
Intended Educational (Student), Research or Service Outcomes, Administrative Objectives or Expected Results (In this section,
clearly articulate the expected results related to each goal. Try to make the objectives results-oriented). It is best to specify the objectives for
each goal--e.g., Goal 1 may have two objectives labeled as Objective 1a and Objective 1b)
OBJECTIVE 4a: Worksforce is effective, informed and motivated
Performance indicators/Indicators for Success
A work environment that fosters team cohesiveness, mutual commitment and cooperation
Increased job satisfaction and morale
Increaseed cross-training and shared expertise
Widespread staff proficiency and awareness of new technologies
Continual generation and testing of new ideas
Increased staff interest in library programs and presentations
Adequate funding and opportunities for training and development
Development of training opportunities in supervision and evaluation
Performance Activities
Hold regular staff meetings, special programs, social activities and an annual staff retreat for sharing information and
developing community
Create library-wide teams and a system for team records management and inter-team communication
Encourage active participation, evaluation and leadership opportunities
Conduct a needs assessment survey on staff training
Develop a program of continuous in-service education
Explore job sharing and cross-training
Provide workshops in communication, customer service, student supervision and teamwork
Create a team to monitor and assess effectiveness of programming
Methods of Assessment
Surveys to assess satisfaction levels of different categories of end-users
Use of Findings
Revise policies and procedures
Feedback Channel and Assessment Timeline
Library-faculty assessment committee
Library administrators
University Assessment Committee
University administrators
Howard University
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 4 Objective 4a
Library Assessment Plan, Goals, Howard University
http://www.howard.edu/library/assessmentplan/main/Goal%204a.htm[9/12/12 7:23:26 PM]
HUL HOME Assessment Goals &Objectives
Library Assessment Plan—Goal 4
Objectives: 4a |4b
Department/School/Administrative Unit University Libraries
Submitted by: Academic Year
Program Title and Degree (if applicable)
GOAL 4: EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION --Enhanced organizational effectiveness and efficiency, and
sustained financial growth
Intended Educational (Student), Research or Service Outcomes, Administrative Objectives or Expected Results (In this section,
clearly articulate the expected results related to each goal. Try to make the objectives results-oriented). It is best to specify the objectives for
each goal--e.g., Goal 1 may have two objectives labeled as Objective 1a and Objective 1b)
OBJECTIVE 4a: Worksforce is effective, informed and motivated
Performance indicators/Indicators for Success
A work environment that fosters team cohesiveness, mutual commitment and cooperation
Increased job satisfaction and morale
Increaseed cross-training and shared expertise
Widespread staff proficiency and awareness of new technologies
Continual generation and testing of new ideas
Increased staff interest in library programs and presentations
Adequate funding and opportunities for training and development
Development of training opportunities in supervision and evaluation
Performance Activities
Hold regular staff meetings, special programs, social activities and an annual staff retreat for sharing information and
developing community
Create library-wide teams and a system for team records management and inter-team communication
Encourage active participation, evaluation and leadership opportunities
Conduct a needs assessment survey on staff training
Develop a program of continuous in-service education
Explore job sharing and cross-training
Provide workshops in communication, customer service, student supervision and teamwork
Create a team to monitor and assess effectiveness of programming
Methods of Assessment
Surveys to assess satisfaction levels of different categories of end-users
Use of Findings
Revise policies and procedures
Feedback Channel and Assessment Timeline
Library-faculty assessment committee
Library administrators
University Assessment Committee
University administrators