32 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
Adequacy of information retrieval and learning resources Academic credential(s) for the librarian in charge of the
library Learning resources support for faculty and students, including personnel Access to library information resources
for faculty and students when they are on and off campus Current plans for improvement.
There were no recommendations for the library.
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
2009 &2012
12.5. Library and Information Resources. Standard 5, Library and Information Resources. Libraries and information
retrieval are essential to veterinary medical education, research, public service, and continuing education. Timely access
to information resources, whether through print, electronic media, or other means, must be available to students
and faculty. The library shall be administered by a qualified librarian. The college shall have access to the human and
physical resources necessary for development of instructional materials. 12.5.1. Describe and comment on the adequacy
of information retrieval and learning resources. 12.5.2. Describe the academic credential(s) for the librarian in charge
of the library. 12.5.3. Briefly describe the availability of learning resources support for faculty and students, including
personnel. 12.5.4. Describe the methods of access to library information resources for faculty and students when they
are on and off campus. 12.5.5. Describe current plans for improvement. Compliance with Standard 5, Library and
Information Resources is judged on the basis of availability of library materials (either copy or electronic), credentials of
the librarian, and learning resources support for the teaching program.
2009 response: The agency stated that, “The Faculty is in compliance with this standard” [i.e., Standard 5: Library
and Information Resources]. 2012 response: preliminary report has no comments related to Standard 5: Library and
Information Resources.
Canadian Architectural Certification Board
Information about: 1) Collections: coverage of teaching and research needs holdings document types, usage
budget access and search tools. 2) Digital projects. 3) Library staff (number, expertise, professional development). 4)
Library instruction program. 5) User services in general (lending, interlibrary loans, opening hours...) 6) Facilities and
There was no recommendation for the library the accreditation agency was satisfied with the library and its services.
Canadian Architecture Certification Board
Administration &personnel collection size &expenditures collection policy &description including of slides/digital
images, DVDs, maps services such as access to electronic resources, reference &information literacy, circulation &ILL,
physical environment &equipment.
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