104 · Representative Documents: Regional Accrediting Agency Reports
Brigham Young University
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Library and Information Resources 5
the libraries partner with the Center for Instructional Design (CID) and OIT to make library
digital content available through the university’s course-management system.
The Lee and Hunter Libraries have purchased or licensed access for students and faculty
to more than 350 electronic research tools, approximately 7,000 online journals, and more than
100,000 digital books. Many of these resources are also licensed for use by alumni and
community patrons. In addition to these commercially produced electronic resources, the
libraries operate a robust program for digitally reformatting print, photographic, and multimedia
materials, particularly those in fragile condition or those unique to local collections. Nineteenth-
century diaries and maps reflecting the Overland Trails experience and digital learning objects
from the History of Civilization course represent two strong examples of successful digitization
projects. Within two years of its beginning in 2003, the digital library holdings have grown to
more than 1.5 million individual objects in diverse collections ranging from the Museum of Art
Collection to BYU theses and dissertations. The libraries plan to expand their multimedia
digitization program, increasing the number and quality of digital formats that can be embedded
in online courseware. The libraries will also continue discussions with OIT and CID to determine
where to archive an ever-increasing number of digital learning objects and how to make them
more accessible to faculty and students.
Collection Development and Management
BYU’s library collection development program is designed to ensure that books, journals
and other library materials acquired by the library correspond with the Mission, Aims, and
Objectives of the university. Collection development policy statements guide all acquisitions and
are updated as necessary to reflect changes to university programs. The libraries are in the
process of rewriting all collection development policies. As they are completed, they will be
made available to faculty through the libraries’ Web sites.
Materials that support programs with high enrollment or those offering graduate degrees
are collected at a more aggressive rate than programs with lower emphasis at the university. The
actual selection of library materials is managed by over 30 subject librarians, each assigned to
work with specific departments and colleges. Subject librarians collaborate with teaching faculty
to acquire materials critical to each academic area.
Every BYU student and faculty member can also directly request library purchases
through the Lee Library’s online “Suggest a Book” service, with faculty having the added
advantage of the faculty expedited delivery service. This service, coupled with acquisitions
generated through direct librarian-faculty interaction, accounts for approximately 40 percent of
the 45,000 items added annually. The balance of new acquisitions comes through approval and
standing-order programs developed by librarians in consultation with their faculty and students.
Assessment of Collection Strength
Historically, the libraries have enjoyed unusually strong financial support from university
administration. Even in lean years the library collection budget has received additional funding,
and generous support from donors has allowed the library to build a collection that outshines the
libraries of most predominantly undergraduate institutions. This has proven to be fortuitous in
recent years as the university has placed increased emphasis on student mentored learning. As
Brigham Young University
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Library and Information Resources 5
the libraries partner with the Center for Instructional Design (CID) and OIT to make library
digital content available through the university’s course-management system.
The Lee and Hunter Libraries have purchased or licensed access for students and faculty
to more than 350 electronic research tools, approximately 7,000 online journals, and more than
100,000 digital books. Many of these resources are also licensed for use by alumni and
community patrons. In addition to these commercially produced electronic resources, the
libraries operate a robust program for digitally reformatting print, photographic, and multimedia
materials, particularly those in fragile condition or those unique to local collections. Nineteenth-
century diaries and maps reflecting the Overland Trails experience and digital learning objects
from the History of Civilization course represent two strong examples of successful digitization
projects. Within two years of its beginning in 2003, the digital library holdings have grown to
more than 1.5 million individual objects in diverse collections ranging from the Museum of Art
Collection to BYU theses and dissertations. The libraries plan to expand their multimedia
digitization program, increasing the number and quality of digital formats that can be embedded
in online courseware. The libraries will also continue discussions with OIT and CID to determine
where to archive an ever-increasing number of digital learning objects and how to make them
more accessible to faculty and students.
Collection Development and Management
BYU’s library collection development program is designed to ensure that books, journals
and other library materials acquired by the library correspond with the Mission, Aims, and
Objectives of the university. Collection development policy statements guide all acquisitions and
are updated as necessary to reflect changes to university programs. The libraries are in the
process of rewriting all collection development policies. As they are completed, they will be
made available to faculty through the libraries’ Web sites.
Materials that support programs with high enrollment or those offering graduate degrees
are collected at a more aggressive rate than programs with lower emphasis at the university. The
actual selection of library materials is managed by over 30 subject librarians, each assigned to
work with specific departments and colleges. Subject librarians collaborate with teaching faculty
to acquire materials critical to each academic area.
Every BYU student and faculty member can also directly request library purchases
through the Lee Library’s online “Suggest a Book” service, with faculty having the added
advantage of the faculty expedited delivery service. This service, coupled with acquisitions
generated through direct librarian-faculty interaction, accounts for approximately 40 percent of
the 45,000 items added annually. The balance of new acquisitions comes through approval and
standing-order programs developed by librarians in consultation with their faculty and students.
Assessment of Collection Strength
Historically, the libraries have enjoyed unusually strong financial support from university
administration. Even in lean years the library collection budget has received additional funding,
and generous support from donors has allowed the library to build a collection that outshines the
libraries of most predominantly undergraduate institutions. This has proven to be fortuitous in
recent years as the university has placed increased emphasis on student mentored learning. As