SPEC Kit 330: Library Contribution to Accreditation · 13
Online Assessment Management Systems
The survey asked whether the respondent’s institution
is using an online assessment management system
(OAMS) to document outcomes, improvements, and
quality enhancement plans. The implementation of
these systems follows the trend among accrediting
agencies to not only require institutions to report on
their current states of compliance, but also demon-
strate continuous evaluation and improvement within
schools’ processes and outcomes. Only 14 respondents
(37%) report that they are using an OAMS.
Although there are several products on the mar-
ket, most of the institutions use a system developed
in-house (8 responses, or 57%). The commercial
products being used by ARL institutions include
WEAVEonline, StudentVoice, CollegeNet, Compliance
Assist, iQuest, LiveText, Nuventive, and Taskstream.
None of the respondents are using Academic
Management Systems, Concord, Dataliant, Insight
Assessment, Smarter Services, TK20, Waypoint, or
Note: The survey did not inquire about the use of
faculty reporting systems that can generate formatted
reports that match agency standards or requirements,
such as faculty qualifications and research productiv-
ity for accreditation purposes.
Data Reported
The data each accrediting agency requires to meet
standards runs the gambit of specificity. Some agen-
cies have precise data sets that must be reported as
evidence of compliance. Other agencies require that
institutions not only demonstrate compliance but also
identify and justify the types of data used to support
the school’s claim to compliance. Some examples:
“The library services and the computing and in-
formation infrastructure must be adequate to sup-
port the scholarly and professional activities of the
students and faculty.”
ABET, Inc. Criterion 7
“Library Resources. Library collections and other
resources are sufficient to support the program’s
mission and educational objectives.”
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
— Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board
(LAAB) Criterion 7C
Table 2: Library Data Reported for Accreditation
0%! 20%! 40%! 60%! 80%! 100%!
Other Data!
Scholarly Comm Activities!
Qualitative data!
Digital projects &usage!
ILL Transactions!
Info Svcs Transactions (e.g., reference)!
Staff Qualifications/Expertise!
Collection Usage!
Library instruction sessions!
Financial Data!
Library Facilities &Equipment!
Collection Holdings (print, online)!
Online Assessment Management Systems
The survey asked whether the respondent’s institution
is using an online assessment management system
(OAMS) to document outcomes, improvements, and
quality enhancement plans. The implementation of
these systems follows the trend among accrediting
agencies to not only require institutions to report on
their current states of compliance, but also demon-
strate continuous evaluation and improvement within
schools’ processes and outcomes. Only 14 respondents
(37%) report that they are using an OAMS.
Although there are several products on the mar-
ket, most of the institutions use a system developed
in-house (8 responses, or 57%). The commercial
products being used by ARL institutions include
WEAVEonline, StudentVoice, CollegeNet, Compliance
Assist, iQuest, LiveText, Nuventive, and Taskstream.
None of the respondents are using Academic
Management Systems, Concord, Dataliant, Insight
Assessment, Smarter Services, TK20, Waypoint, or
Note: The survey did not inquire about the use of
faculty reporting systems that can generate formatted
reports that match agency standards or requirements,
such as faculty qualifications and research productiv-
ity for accreditation purposes.
Data Reported
The data each accrediting agency requires to meet
standards runs the gambit of specificity. Some agen-
cies have precise data sets that must be reported as
evidence of compliance. Other agencies require that
institutions not only demonstrate compliance but also
identify and justify the types of data used to support
the school’s claim to compliance. Some examples:
“The library services and the computing and in-
formation infrastructure must be adequate to sup-
port the scholarly and professional activities of the
students and faculty.”
ABET, Inc. Criterion 7
“Library Resources. Library collections and other
resources are sufficient to support the program’s
mission and educational objectives.”
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
— Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board
(LAAB) Criterion 7C
Table 2: Library Data Reported for Accreditation
0%! 20%! 40%! 60%! 80%! 100%!
Other Data!
Scholarly Comm Activities!
Qualitative data!
Digital projects &usage!
ILL Transactions!
Info Svcs Transactions (e.g., reference)!
Staff Qualifications/Expertise!
Collection Usage!
Library instruction sessions!
Financial Data!
Library Facilities &Equipment!
Collection Holdings (print, online)!