50 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
CrossRef for digital object identifiers (DOIs)
Digital preservation services
Digital press publishing platform
DOI registration, archiving
EZID for DOI registration
Full-service publishers
Internally, we contract with our Information Technology Department for overflow application/
development needs. Occasionally, we contract with an outside vendor for quick turn-around on website
design coding.
Provider of DOIs
Software for the IR that we use to publish.
Thesis and dissertation printing is provided through an on-campus print service.
XML conversion, DOI registration agencies, alternative metrics providers
30. Other than vendors, has your library partnered with any external entities or groups to provide
publishing services? N=53
Yes 15 28%
No 38 72%
If yes, please identify the partner and briefly describe the type of service provided. N=15
American Folklore Society
An example would be The Card Catalog, written by LC staff and co-published with Chronicle Press
in 2017.
Collaboration with University of Michigan on Folio grant.
Collectives of scholars within and outside our institution for some projects
Graphic designers and production work (e.g., layout, typesetting, indexing, copyediting, etc.)
International publisher
Public Knowledge Project, Islandora
Public Knowledge project: Open Journal Systems (OJS) BC Campus: Open Educational Resources
(Pressbooks) CRKN: open publishing systems
Public Knowledge Project: we are a major development partner in support of journal publishing.
Numerous external publishing partners, including societies, professional associations, and teams of
independent researchers.
The EOS ebook publishing platform is a joint effort of OU Libraries and the Max Planck Institute.
The library works closely with OCUL, a consortium of Ontario’s 21 university libraries. This consortium
provides some hosting services.
The university press handles our print distribution and sales.
University of Minnesota Open Textbook Network
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