16 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Answered No institutional press exists N=3
Sometime in the next year or so
We plan to use our digital repository and to begin doing so this year.
Additional comments N=2
The IU Libraries supports a range of publishing services but does not have a separate press of its own.
We do jointly manage the Office of Scholarly Publishing with the IU Press.
YES and none of the above applies to Purdue. We are unique and likely will corrupt your data, as we are
an integrated single division (library and institution press).
If a press exists or is being developed, please answer the questions about the press and library
relationship on the next screen.
If not, please continue to the questions about Publishing Activities.
3. Does the institutional press report to the library? N=41
Yes 14 34%
Not yet, but it will 0 —
No 27 66%
Comments N=9
Answered Yes N=5
Physically separate, as well as in terms of budget.
Sort of. The press reports to me (university librarian), but in my role as the deputy provost for collections
and scholarly communication.
The institution sold its print press years ago.
The press director reports to the dean of libraries, but the press budget is distinct from the Libraries’.
We are unique and likely will corrupt your data, as we are an integrated single division (library and
institution press).
Answered No N=4
For the past decade, a librarian has been appointed to the University of Illinois Press faculty
advisory board.
The dean of libraries has a place on the press’ board and the press is located within the main library.
The University of Toronto Press is separately incorporated from the university as a not for profit
corporation since 1992, is managed by an executive team of eight and a board of directors who are
appointed by the governing council of the University of Toronto on recommendation of the president of
the university.
Answered No institutional press exists N=3
Sometime in the next year or so
We plan to use our digital repository and to begin doing so this year.
Additional comments N=2
The IU Libraries supports a range of publishing services but does not have a separate press of its own.
We do jointly manage the Office of Scholarly Publishing with the IU Press.
YES and none of the above applies to Purdue. We are unique and likely will corrupt your data, as we are
an integrated single division (library and institution press).
If a press exists or is being developed, please answer the questions about the press and library
relationship on the next screen.
If not, please continue to the questions about Publishing Activities.
3. Does the institutional press report to the library? N=41
Yes 14 34%
Not yet, but it will 0 —
No 27 66%
Comments N=9
Answered Yes N=5
Physically separate, as well as in terms of budget.
Sort of. The press reports to me (university librarian), but in my role as the deputy provost for collections
and scholarly communication.
The institution sold its print press years ago.
The press director reports to the dean of libraries, but the press budget is distinct from the Libraries’.
We are unique and likely will corrupt your data, as we are an integrated single division (library and
institution press).
Answered No N=4
For the past decade, a librarian has been appointed to the University of Illinois Press faculty
advisory board.
The dean of libraries has a place on the press’ board and the press is located within the main library.
The University of Toronto Press is separately incorporated from the university as a not for profit
corporation since 1992, is managed by an executive team of eight and a board of directors who are
appointed by the governing council of the University of Toronto on recommendation of the president of
the university.