126 Representative Documents: Information for Authors and Editors
Journal Proposal Form
c) Editorial Board (or Advisory Board)
Describe the role of the Editorial Board or any organization providing oversight or governance
for the journal. For each Board member, list name, title, and organizational affiliation.
d) Continuity
Are there any limits to the term of key editorial staff? How are new editors selected? Is there
any established protocol for transition of editorship?
8) Source of funding.
Does a funding source exist for this journal? If so, describe the source of the funds and state how
they will be used. Include support from sponsoring institutions or organizations, revenues from
subscriptions sales or advertising, and any other sources of support. What specific activities
does the funding support?
9) Article Processing Charges
Do you intend to collect revenues from article processing charges? If so, provide details. What
specific activities will author fees support?
10) Open Access and Copyright Policies
Describe the intended Open Access and copyright policies for the journal. Note that under the
ULS standard copyright policy, the author retains copyright for each article under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
11) Target Implementation Dates
a. Target date for first call for papers with ULS as publisher (Web site go-live date).
Note that the minimum start-up time for a new journal is three months from the signing of
a service agreement.
b. Target date for publication of first issue with ULS as publisher.
Allow sufficient time after the initial call for papers for review, copyediting, layout editing
and publishing of content for the first issue.
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