37 SPEC Kit 357: Libraries, Presses, and Publishing
Comments N=25
.5 FTE
2 full time librarians =0.75 FTE 1 part time librarian =0.5 FTE (17 hours per week) 4 students at 5 hours
per week
3 ~4 work in this area partially.
A few in each category
Activity is distributed between two departments within the Libraries.
I’ve included the digital repository librarian along with the copyright &licensing librarian and the two
RDM librarians. The other professionals are the developers and sys admin for DSpace and OJS. The
support staff is related to DSpace. Technically, all liaison librarians are engaged as the contact point
for faculty.
Librarian: varies depending on projects (cataloguers, subject specialists). Other professional: 1 FTE
whose sole job is digital publishing others vary. Our DL team has 16 FTE, all of whom spend some part
of their time on publishing activities (broadly construed).
Librarian support =.5 FTE, policy development and review via Scholarly Communication Committee.
Support staff =0.5 student employee.
Librarians: 4 (3.25 FTE), support staff 1 (.25 FTE)
One or two students
Only 1 FTE has defined duties that correspond to publishing activities defined in this survey although
others in the library (copyright services, metadata, web design, and digital archiving) spend a portion of
their time engaged in publishing activities.
Our former Education Librarian played a central role in getting our open access journals up and running.
Please note that the librarians and support staff don’t work full-time on publishing activities.
Publishing activities are distributed across multiple units and are often project-based. There are no
employees dedicated exclusively to these activities. This makes it difficult to report accurately on the
total number of individuals involved.
The librarians engaged in publishing across the library are a Scholarly Communication and Publishing
Librarian, Copyright Librarian, Digital Scholarship and Instruction Liaison Librarian, and a Rare Book
and Manuscript curator who produces their Women in Print series. There are then several specialists:
Digital Publishing Specialist, Research Programmer for Scholarly Communication and Publishing, and
Repository Services Coordinator. There also is an office manager in the digital scholarship center who
assists us with managing events and outreach.
There are 3 applications programmers and 1 graduate student library assistant included in the other
staff category.
These activities are performed by various positions in the library, but none of them is fully dedicated to
publishing activities.
These are headcounts FTE numbers are much smaller.
These do not represent full-time staff commitments. Represents number of people involved in the
process. The actual work would probably take about .5 FTE of the librarian’s time and about .25 FTE of
the support staffs’.
These numbers are estimates. It’s hard to say how many folks are involved.
Comments N=25
.5 FTE
2 full time librarians =0.75 FTE 1 part time librarian =0.5 FTE (17 hours per week) 4 students at 5 hours
per week
3 ~4 work in this area partially.
A few in each category
Activity is distributed between two departments within the Libraries.
I’ve included the digital repository librarian along with the copyright &licensing librarian and the two
RDM librarians. The other professionals are the developers and sys admin for DSpace and OJS. The
support staff is related to DSpace. Technically, all liaison librarians are engaged as the contact point
for faculty.
Librarian: varies depending on projects (cataloguers, subject specialists). Other professional: 1 FTE
whose sole job is digital publishing others vary. Our DL team has 16 FTE, all of whom spend some part
of their time on publishing activities (broadly construed).
Librarian support =.5 FTE, policy development and review via Scholarly Communication Committee.
Support staff =0.5 student employee.
Librarians: 4 (3.25 FTE), support staff 1 (.25 FTE)
One or two students
Only 1 FTE has defined duties that correspond to publishing activities defined in this survey although
others in the library (copyright services, metadata, web design, and digital archiving) spend a portion of
their time engaged in publishing activities.
Our former Education Librarian played a central role in getting our open access journals up and running.
Please note that the librarians and support staff don’t work full-time on publishing activities.
Publishing activities are distributed across multiple units and are often project-based. There are no
employees dedicated exclusively to these activities. This makes it difficult to report accurately on the
total number of individuals involved.
The librarians engaged in publishing across the library are a Scholarly Communication and Publishing
Librarian, Copyright Librarian, Digital Scholarship and Instruction Liaison Librarian, and a Rare Book
and Manuscript curator who produces their Women in Print series. There are then several specialists:
Digital Publishing Specialist, Research Programmer for Scholarly Communication and Publishing, and
Repository Services Coordinator. There also is an office manager in the digital scholarship center who
assists us with managing events and outreach.
There are 3 applications programmers and 1 graduate student library assistant included in the other
staff category.
These activities are performed by various positions in the library, but none of them is fully dedicated to
publishing activities.
These are headcounts FTE numbers are much smaller.
These do not represent full-time staff commitments. Represents number of people involved in the
process. The actual work would probably take about .5 FTE of the librarian’s time and about .25 FTE of
the support staffs’.
These numbers are estimates. It’s hard to say how many folks are involved.