8 Survey Results: Executive Summary
Types of Publications Produced
Responses to the question on which of 14 publication types are produced clearly show that libraries
are creating a broad spectrum of materials. The 58 respondents’ most frequently selected choices were
electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), online exhibitions, open access journals, datasets, and online
portals. These libraries are less likely to produce subscription journals and either print or enhanced
monographs. Other categories that libraries are producing include digital scholarship websites and
visualizations, larger-scale digital projects/databases, faculty digital editions for projects, 3D scans, grey
literature, promotional materials, reports, whitepapers, posters, conference proceedings, working papers,
and learning material, among others.
Figure 7: Top Five Library Publication Types
At about half of the 13 responding libraries that also have a library press, there is overlap in
what the library and press produce. At the others the roles are more distinct. In both cases, the library
press is most likely to produce open access and/or subscription journals, digital books, and open
educational resources.
Figure 8: Top Five Library Press Publication Types
Types of Publications Produced
Responses to the question on which of 14 publication types are produced clearly show that libraries
are creating a broad spectrum of materials. The 58 respondents’ most frequently selected choices were
electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), online exhibitions, open access journals, datasets, and online
portals. These libraries are less likely to produce subscription journals and either print or enhanced
monographs. Other categories that libraries are producing include digital scholarship websites and
visualizations, larger-scale digital projects/databases, faculty digital editions for projects, 3D scans, grey
literature, promotional materials, reports, whitepapers, posters, conference proceedings, working papers,
and learning material, among others.
Figure 7: Top Five Library Publication Types
At about half of the 13 responding libraries that also have a library press, there is overlap in
what the library and press produce. At the others the roles are more distinct. In both cases, the library
press is most likely to produce open access and/or subscription journals, digital books, and open
educational resources.
Figure 8: Top Five Library Press Publication Types