21 SPEC Kit 357: Libraries, Presses, and Publishing
7. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides any of the
following editorial activities. Check all that apply. N=53
Activity Library Institutional press Library press N
ISBN/ISSN assignment 21 34 8 48
Typesetting 8 35 6 42
Indexing 15 31 5 42
Copyediting 4 36 6 41
Proofreading 5 35 4 38
Copyright registration 7 33 3 37
Total Respondents 28 37 10 53
8. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides design
activities, such as cover art and layout. Check all that apply. N=42
Institutional press 37 88%
Library 12 29%
Library press 7 17%
9. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides image
and permissions clearance activities. Check all that apply. N=37
Institutional press 29 78%
Library 22 59%
Library press 3 8%
10. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides material
production activities, such as creating 3D artifacts or artists’ books. Check all that apply. N=15
Library 9 60%
Institutional press 7 47%
Library press 0 —
11. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides printing
and binding management activities, such as liaising with service providers and contract
management. Check all that apply. N=39
Institutional press 36 92%
Library 7 18%
Library press 4 10%
12. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides any of the
following distribution and marketing activities. Check all that apply. N=56
Activity Library Institutional press Library press N
Submission to institutional repository 42 12 9 51
Assignment of permanent URL 39 18 10 50
Online presentation/posting for access 39 21 12 50
7. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides any of the
following editorial activities. Check all that apply. N=53
Activity Library Institutional press Library press N
ISBN/ISSN assignment 21 34 8 48
Typesetting 8 35 6 42
Indexing 15 31 5 42
Copyediting 4 36 6 41
Proofreading 5 35 4 38
Copyright registration 7 33 3 37
Total Respondents 28 37 10 53
8. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides design
activities, such as cover art and layout. Check all that apply. N=42
Institutional press 37 88%
Library 12 29%
Library press 7 17%
9. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides image
and permissions clearance activities. Check all that apply. N=37
Institutional press 29 78%
Library 22 59%
Library press 3 8%
10. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides material
production activities, such as creating 3D artifacts or artists’ books. Check all that apply. N=15
Library 9 60%
Institutional press 7 47%
Library press 0 —
11. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides printing
and binding management activities, such as liaising with service providers and contract
management. Check all that apply. N=39
Institutional press 36 92%
Library 7 18%
Library press 4 10%
12. Please indicate whether the library, the institutional press, or the library press provides any of the
following distribution and marketing activities. Check all that apply. N=56
Activity Library Institutional press Library press N
Submission to institutional repository 42 12 9 51
Assignment of permanent URL 39 18 10 50
Online presentation/posting for access 39 21 12 50