38 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
These staff provide support to the library [i.e., institutional] press as part of their overall responsibilities.
This is inclusive of LibraryPress@UF staffing as well. Librarians with substantive (at least 1% of time
contributions) involved in LibraryPress@UF activities are: 1) Digital Scholarship Librarian and Editor-
in-Chief of the LibraryPress@UF 2) Agriculture &Digital Initiatives Librarian, UF-OJS Team Founder
and Leader, and UF-LPC representative 3) IR@UF Manager 4) Chair of Digital Production Services 5)
Digital Production Services Manager 6) Chair of Cataloging 7) other professionals in cataloging.
Varies with the project.
We are in the process to start a publishing services program, which I am the main and only librarian
assigned to create and manage this new service. It is not a library press and UConn doesn’t have an
academic press. The main goal is to educate our faculty about the option of using bepress’ Digital
Commons as a platform for them to publish their OA journals, monographs, or OER content. We hope
to offer the following services: set up of publishing workflow (peer-review, manuscripts submission),
webpage for their journal, archiving through Portico. We are also exploring to offer DOI and facilitate
obtaining ISSN for the journals, but we are in the beginning stages of this process that I am overseeing.
At this point, I am managing too our IR and educating our faculty about author’s right regarding self-
archiving and adding their pre- and post-prints into the IR. Also, we are revising our old policy pages
to reflect our OA policy and MOUs between the library and departments regarding using and adding
content to the IR. Also, worked with the editors of one of our OA journals to update the OA policy and
author’s rights submission forms to reflect our OA policy.
We’re considering the small proportion of our digital collections activity that’s producing original
content to be library publishing which uses the same people and infrastructure as all the digital
collections work the librarians and technologists included above each contribute a small proportion of
their time to original content.
18. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the institutional press. N=3
Librarian Other professional Support staff Other staff category Comments
5 30
1 2 These staff are allocated 100% to
the publishing activities provided
by the library [i.e., institutional]
6 1 1 1 F/T, 5 PT. P/T includes staff
from business, IT, foundation
development which have
responsibilities to the press.
19. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the library press. N=13
Staff Category Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N
Librarian 1 3 1.50 1 0.71 10
Other professional 1 8 2.44 2 2.30 9
Support staff 1 2 1.29 1 0.49 7
Other staff category 2 3 2.50 2.50 0.71 2
These staff provide support to the library [i.e., institutional] press as part of their overall responsibilities.
This is inclusive of LibraryPress@UF staffing as well. Librarians with substantive (at least 1% of time
contributions) involved in LibraryPress@UF activities are: 1) Digital Scholarship Librarian and Editor-
in-Chief of the LibraryPress@UF 2) Agriculture &Digital Initiatives Librarian, UF-OJS Team Founder
and Leader, and UF-LPC representative 3) IR@UF Manager 4) Chair of Digital Production Services 5)
Digital Production Services Manager 6) Chair of Cataloging 7) other professionals in cataloging.
Varies with the project.
We are in the process to start a publishing services program, which I am the main and only librarian
assigned to create and manage this new service. It is not a library press and UConn doesn’t have an
academic press. The main goal is to educate our faculty about the option of using bepress’ Digital
Commons as a platform for them to publish their OA journals, monographs, or OER content. We hope
to offer the following services: set up of publishing workflow (peer-review, manuscripts submission),
webpage for their journal, archiving through Portico. We are also exploring to offer DOI and facilitate
obtaining ISSN for the journals, but we are in the beginning stages of this process that I am overseeing.
At this point, I am managing too our IR and educating our faculty about author’s right regarding self-
archiving and adding their pre- and post-prints into the IR. Also, we are revising our old policy pages
to reflect our OA policy and MOUs between the library and departments regarding using and adding
content to the IR. Also, worked with the editors of one of our OA journals to update the OA policy and
author’s rights submission forms to reflect our OA policy.
We’re considering the small proportion of our digital collections activity that’s producing original
content to be library publishing which uses the same people and infrastructure as all the digital
collections work the librarians and technologists included above each contribute a small proportion of
their time to original content.
18. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the institutional press. N=3
Librarian Other professional Support staff Other staff category Comments
5 30
1 2 These staff are allocated 100% to
the publishing activities provided
by the library [i.e., institutional]
6 1 1 1 F/T, 5 PT. P/T includes staff
from business, IT, foundation
development which have
responsibilities to the press.
19. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the library press. N=13
Staff Category Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N
Librarian 1 3 1.50 1 0.71 10
Other professional 1 8 2.44 2 2.30 9
Support staff 1 2 1.29 1 0.49 7
Other staff category 2 3 2.50 2.50 0.71 2