128 Representative Documents: Information for Authors and Editors
Journal Proposal Form
8) Ownership of back issues
Identify who owns copyright for content included in all back issues of this title.
9) Author agreement
Do you require authors to sign an author copyright agreement?
If yes, please attach a sample of all current and past author agreements.
10) Formats currently offered:
11) Anticipated policy changes
Are you planning any changes in the formats offered or in your current policies regarding
copyright ownership, access, or subscription models?
12) Why are you seeking to change publisher?
1) Please list names and e-mail address(es) for correspondence about this proposal.
2) Please name the sponsoring organization or legal entity with whom the service
agreement will be executed.
3) If the sponsoring organization is incorporated, name the type of corporation and the
place of incorporation.
4) What is the official mailing address of the organization or journal for official documents
and invoicing?
5) Please provide the name and title of signatory on service agreement.
Send completed form to e-journals@mail.pitt.edu.
This work by the Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing,
University Library System, University of Pittsburgh is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal Proposal Form
8) Ownership of back issues
Identify who owns copyright for content included in all back issues of this title.
9) Author agreement
Do you require authors to sign an author copyright agreement?
If yes, please attach a sample of all current and past author agreements.
10) Formats currently offered:
11) Anticipated policy changes
Are you planning any changes in the formats offered or in your current policies regarding
copyright ownership, access, or subscription models?
12) Why are you seeking to change publisher?
1) Please list names and e-mail address(es) for correspondence about this proposal.
2) Please name the sponsoring organization or legal entity with whom the service
agreement will be executed.
3) If the sponsoring organization is incorporated, name the type of corporation and the
place of incorporation.
4) What is the official mailing address of the organization or journal for official documents
and invoicing?
5) Please provide the name and title of signatory on service agreement.
Send completed form to e-journals@mail.pitt.edu.
This work by the Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing,
University Library System, University of Pittsburgh is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.