19 SPEC Kit 357: Libraries, Presses, and Publishing
5. Please indicate what the primary motivations were for having the institutional press report to the
library, for creating a library press, and/or for library and press collaboration at your institution.
Check all that apply. N=32
Motivation Press report
to library
Creating a
library press
Collaboration N
Leverage expertise 6 7 21 26
Enhance library engagement with/contribution to the
2 14 12 24
Economic need or opportunity for fiscal efficiencies 8 3 12 17
The institution needed more publishing services 1 12 5 17
The library needed more publishing services (e.g., to
promote and/or develop collections)
2 8 7 15
Avoid duplication of effort 1 14 14
More abundant capacity/resources in the library 6 4 8 13
More abundant capacity/resources in the press 3 1 10 12
Retirements or departures of key personnel 3 2 5
Other motivation 1 11 4 15
Total Respondents 12 15 22 32
If you selected “Other motivation” for having the institutional press report to the library above,
please briefly describe it. N=1
Instituted by Libraries rather than provost. Enables the press to gain greater presence with campus
faculty. Raised profile of press on campus.
If you selected “Other motivation” for creating a library press above, please briefly describe it.
Address unsustainable costs of scholarly journals. Provide ability for university to meet its mission of
disseminating scholarship, which it does with monographs, but not with research articles.
Help transform the scholarly communications landscape. Help increase information sharing on a global
scale. Rescue at-risk journals without the infrastructure to publish open access or electronically.
Library already had a platform to support this activity. Library, based on requests/comments from
editors/departments/organizations, saw need to support publishing on campus since university no
longer has a press.
Our institution needed more publishing services is accurate. What the library has is an imprint and some
minimal services associated with it. Calling what we do a “library press” may be too aggressive.
“Parallel Press” was created partly as an avenue for digital publishing and free access to online content
before the institutional press began doing any digital publishing and well before library publishing
became as common as it is today.
Supporting open access publishing was important to the library so that was the primary reason for
making an online journal publishing platform be available. We publish several online journals—about
seven. For two of these journals, we convert the content to PMC compliant XML for inclusion of the
journal in PubMedCentral.
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