125 SPEC Kit 357: Libraries, Presses, and Publishing
Journal Proposal Form
Journal Proposal Form
University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Please insert date of application
1) Title of journal
2) Frequency and schedule of publication:
A common publication model is to compile articles into issues prepared in advance and published
at one time on an annual, semiannual, or quarterly basis. Journals also have the option of a
rolling publication (publish-as-you-go model) where the journal opens a volume and adds articles
one at a time as they become ready for publication.
3) Scope, focus, and description of content
4) Target audience
5) Types of content included (essays, research papers, book reviews, etc.)
6) Scholarly review.
For each type of content listed in 5) above, describe the intended review process.
• Address whether the content is peer reviewed, and if so, what process is followed to ensure
impartiality (single blind, double blind review, etc.).
• Number of reviewers per article
• Guidelines for reviewers including rubric for evaluation if available
• Standards, criteria, and process for selecting reviewers
• Process for acceptance decisions
7) Proposed editorial personnel
a) Editor(s) in chief
Identify the individual(s) responsible for academic content and executive management of the
publication, including name, title, organizational affiliation, and past experience in scholarly
publishing. Attach a CV for each editor or coeditor in chief.
b) Other editors, if any
Identify the individual(s) involved in day-to-day management of the publication, including
conducting reviews, assignment of copyediting, proofreading, layout, communication with
authors, etc. For each editor, provide name, title, organizational affiliation, and past
experience in scholarly publishing.
Journal Proposal Form
Journal Proposal Form
University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Please insert date of application
1) Title of journal
2) Frequency and schedule of publication:
A common publication model is to compile articles into issues prepared in advance and published
at one time on an annual, semiannual, or quarterly basis. Journals also have the option of a
rolling publication (publish-as-you-go model) where the journal opens a volume and adds articles
one at a time as they become ready for publication.
3) Scope, focus, and description of content
4) Target audience
5) Types of content included (essays, research papers, book reviews, etc.)
6) Scholarly review.
For each type of content listed in 5) above, describe the intended review process.
• Address whether the content is peer reviewed, and if so, what process is followed to ensure
impartiality (single blind, double blind review, etc.).
• Number of reviewers per article
• Guidelines for reviewers including rubric for evaluation if available
• Standards, criteria, and process for selecting reviewers
• Process for acceptance decisions
7) Proposed editorial personnel
a) Editor(s) in chief
Identify the individual(s) responsible for academic content and executive management of the
publication, including name, title, organizational affiliation, and past experience in scholarly
publishing. Attach a CV for each editor or coeditor in chief.
b) Other editors, if any
Identify the individual(s) involved in day-to-day management of the publication, including
conducting reviews, assignment of copyediting, proofreading, layout, communication with
authors, etc. For each editor, provide name, title, organizational affiliation, and past
experience in scholarly publishing.